University of Technology Sydney

CBK90170 Major/Two sub-majors/Sub-major + four electives/Eight electives

Select 48 credit points of options:  48cp
SMJ10198  Accounting Extension 24cp 
SMJ10159  Business Analytics 24cp 
SMJ10199  Economics Extension 24cp 
CBK92257  Electives 24cp 
SMJ10200  Finance Extension 24cp 
SMJ10201  Management Extension 24cp 
SMJ10202  Marketing Extension 24cp 
MAJ08981  Advertising and Marketing Communications 48cp 
MAJ08997  Business Analytics 48cp 
CBK92256  Electives 48cp 
MAJ08437  Accounting 48cp 
SMJ08195  Accounting in Practice 24cp 
SMJ08131  Advanced Advertising 24cp 
SMJ08137  Advertising 24cp 
SMJ10086  Business Analytics in Marketing 24cp 
SMJ02036  Business Information Systems 24cp 
MAJ09401  Business Law 48cp 
SMJ09030  Business Law 24cp 
SMJ08223  Digital Creative Enterprise 24cp 
SMJ09058  Econometrics 24cp 
SMJ09028  Economics 24cp 
MAJ09209  Economics 48cp 
SMJ08203  Event Management 24cp 
MAJ08440  Finance 48cp 
SMJ08123  Finance 24cp 
SMJ08116  Financial Reporting 24cp 
SMJ08215  Financial Services 24cp 
MAJ08446  Human Resource Management 48cp 
SMJ08128  Human Resource Management 24cp 
SMJ02037  Information Technology 24cp 
MAJ02041  Information Technology 48cp 
SMJ08139  International Business Studies 24cp 
MAJ08442  International Business 48cp 
SMJ08129  International Management 24cp 
SMJ09034  International Studies 24cp 
SMJ09035  Language other than English 24cp 
SMJ08109  Management Consulting 24cp 
SMJ08130  Management 24cp 
MAJ08438  Management 48cp 
MAJ08441  Marketing 48cp 
SMJ08138  Marketing 24cp 
SMJ01007  Mathematics 24cp 
SMJ01025  Quantitative Management 24cp 
SMJ09036  Specialist Country Studies 24cp 
SMJ08126  Sport Management 24cp 
SMJ01009  Statistics 24cp 
SMJ08204  Strategic Marketing 24cp 
SMJ08219  Sustainable Enterprise 24cp 
SMJ09033  Taxation Law 24cp 
Total  48cp