Select 18 credit points of options: | | | 18cp |
013992 Aboriginal Sydney Now | | 6cp | |
013175 Biology Teaching Methods 2 | | 6cp | |
013176 Biology Teaching Methods 3 | | 6cp | |
013236 Business Studies Teaching Methods 2 | | 6cp | |
013237 Business Studies Teaching Methods 3 | | 6cp | |
013244 Chemistry Teaching Methods 2 | | 6cp | |
013245 Chemistry Teaching Methods 3 | | 6cp | |
010307 Create: Creating Interactive Multimedia Objects | | 3cp | |
010305 Crunch: Learning Analytics for Performance Improvement | | 3cp | |
013177 Earth and Environmental Science Teaching Methods 2 | | 6cp | |
013178 Earth and Environmental Science Teaching Methods 3 | | 6cp | |
013169 Economics Teaching Methods 2 | | 6cp | |
013170 Economics Teaching Methods 3 | | 6cp | |
013232 English Teaching Methods 1 | | 6cp | |
013233 English Teaching Methods 2 | | 6cp | |
013234 English Teaching Methods 3 | | 6cp | |
013235 Human Society and its Environment Teaching Methods 1 | | 6cp | |
021702 ICT in School Education: Current Issues and Applications | | 6cp | |
023821 Inclusive Education: Behaviour | | 6cp | |
97903 Intercultural and International Communication | | 6cp | |
013102 Introducing Knowledge about Language | | 6cp | |
013173 Legal Studies Teaching Methods 2 | | 6cp | |
013174 Legal Studies Teaching Methods 3 | | 6cp | |
013238 Mathematics Teaching Methods 1 | | 6cp | |
013239 Mathematics Teaching Methods 2 | | 6cp | |
013240 Mathematics Teaching Methods 3 | | 6cp | |
013988 Multiliteracies and Multimodalities | | 6cp | |
024705 Multimodal Texts: Comprehending and Creating | | 6cp | |
026412 Music Moves | | 6cp | |
028289 Numeracy for Lifelong and Lifewide Learning | | 6cp | |
013179 Physics Teaching Methods 2 | | 6cp | |
013180 Physics Teaching Methods 3 | | 6cp | |
013243 Science Teaching Methods 1 | | 6cp | |
028992 Shaping Meaningful Worlds: Language Texts and Context | | 6cp | |
013171 Society and Culture Teaching Methods 2 | | 6cp | |
013172 Society and Culture Teaching Methods 3 | | 6cp | |
010050 Student Welfare: Implications for Teaching and Learning | | 6cp | |
022603 Teaching Across the Curriculum | | 6cp | |
024713 Teaching English in International Contexts | | 6cp | |
013247 Technological and Applied Studies Teaching Methods: Engineering Studies | | 6cp | |
013248 Technological and Applied Studies Teaching Methods: Software Design and Development | | 6cp | |
013246 Technological and Applied Studies Teaching Methods: Technology (Mandatory) | | 6cp | |
013105 The Multilingual Learner | | 6cp | |
Total | | | 18cp |