010305 Crunch: Learning Analytics for Performance Improvement
3cpThere are course requisites for this subject. See access conditions.
Educators have never had access to as much data as they do now – but how can they make sure that this data is used efficiently to improve student learning? This subject examines the burgeoning field of learning and data analytics, and how it is influencing education, training, organisational and social change more broadly, and specifically, learning design. Students analyse and apply different approaches and techniques used in learning analytics, including using AcaWriter, a tool that uses data to provide rapid formative feedback. Students consider how the data gathered through the use of these tools can inform learning design, as well as reflecting on some of the epistemological and ethical considerations related to learning analytics.
Typical availability
May session, City campus,
October session, City campus
The subject is usually offered in these sessions. To confirm availability check the UTS Timetable Planner.
Detailed subject description.