University of Technology Sydney

STM91190 Core subjects (Physiotherapy)

96080  Clinical Assessment and Treatment Planning  6cp
96081  Professional Practice  6cp
96082  Core Practice for Physiotherapists  6cp
96083  Pain Neuroscience and Management  6cp
96084  Sub-acute Rehabilitation  6cp
96085  Outpatient Rehabilitation  6cp
96086  Research Design in Physiotherapy  6cp
96087  Clinical Placement 1  6cp
96088  Acute Physiotherapy Care  6cp
96089  Prevention and Rehabilitation in the Community  6cp
96090  Specialist Practice  6cp
96091  Clinical Placement 2  6cp
96092  Research Project  6cp
96093  Transition to Practice  6cp
96094  Clinical Placement 3  6cp
96095  Clinical Placement 4  6cp
Total  96cp