96090 Specialist Practice
6cp; 6hpw (1 x 2hr masterclass; 2 x 2hr workshops)Requisite(s): 96084 Sub-acute Rehabilitation AND 96085 Outpatient Rehabilitation AND 96088 Acute Physiotherapy Care
There are course requisites for this subject. See access conditions.
This subject gives students the opportunity to learn about selected advanced and specialised physiotherapy practice. Students demonstrate advanced clinical reasoning in cases of complex disorders or specialised areas of practice including clients with specialised and complex conditions or emerging areas of practice, such as neonatal intensive care, spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, peripheral neuropathies, sports, gender health, amputees, hand therapy, palliative care and emergency department physiotherapy. Cases are selected to challenge students to apply recent scientific evidence-based findings relating to the pathophysiology of conditions, their clinical investigation, immediate treatment and long-term management. Students are encouraged to analyse clinical findings and develop appropriate interventions, based on sound clinical reasoning, to advance their understanding and care of patients with specialised and complex disorders. Students have the opportunity to discuss and debate advanced practice and advanced practitioner roles and identify emerging and potential leadership opportunities in these contexts, as well as reasoning, to advance their understanding and care of patients with specialised and complex disorders.
Detailed subject description.