University of Technology Sydney

MAJ08985 Management

21811  Global Strategic Management  6cp
21926  Managing Change  6cp
21896  Diversity and Inclusion  6cp
Select 18 credit points of options:  18cp
21881  Advocacy and Social Change 6cp 
21895  Business and Social Impact 6cp 
21854  Creative Problem Solving 6cp 
21964  Data, Evidence and Managerial Decision Making 6cp 
21720  Human Resource Management 6cp 
21702  Industrial Relations 6cp 
21717  Managing in a Multicultural World 6cp 
21937  Managing, Leading and Stewardship 6cp 
21741  Operations and Quality Management 6cp 
21832  Organisational Sustainability: Analysis and Practice 6cp 
21797  Strategic Supply Chain Management 6cp 
Total  36cp