Select 4 credit points of options: | | | 4cp |
60102 Ethics in Animal Research | | 2cp | |
60108 Laboratory Management | | 4cp | |
60109 Professional Science Document Writing | | 2cp | |
60106 Research Proposal Writing | | 2cp | |
60116 Risk Assessment and Management for Science | | 2cp | |
60119 Science Business Models and Intellectual Property | | 4cp | |
Select 20 credit points of options: | | | 20cp |
22747 Accounting for Managerial Decisions | | 6cp | |
91573 Advanced Microscopy and Imaging | | 6cp | |
21856 Career and Portfolio Planning | | 6cp | |
49255 Catchment Modelling | | 6cp | |
49127 Decentralised Environmental Systems | | 6cp | |
21778 Fundraising and Revenue Streams for Sports, Events and Not-for-Profits | | 6cp | |
60904 Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Commercialisation | | 6cp | |
21926 Managing Change | | 6cp | |
24734 Marketing Management | | 6cp | |
21832 Organisational Sustainability: Analysis and Practice | | 6cp | |
91572 Proteomics | | 8cp | |
36103 Statistical Thinking for Data Science | | 8cp | |
Total | | | 24cp |