University of Technology Sydney

CBK91958 TESOL Electives 3

Select 48 credit points of options:  48cp
013987  Classroom Talk 6cp 
010027  Developing an Indigenised Curriculum 3cp 
013990  Discourse and Genre 6cp 
013095  Global Englishes 6cp 
021702  ICT in School Education: Current Issues and Applications 6cp 
013098  Independent Study Project 1 6cp 
013983  Learning Academic English 6cp 
013988  Multiliteracies and Multimodalities 6cp 
028289  Numeracy for Lifelong and Lifewide Learning 6cp 
013107  Phonology and Pronunciation 6cp 
013407  Resetting the Future: Indigenous Australian Education 6cp 
013989  Teaching Academic English 6cp 
010024  Teaching Adult Literacy and Numeracy 6cp 
010025  Teaching EAL/D and Literacy in Schools 6cp 
010029  Teaching Indigenous University Students 3cp 
013408  Teaching and Learning with Digital Technologies 6cp 
010026  Topics in Language Development 6cp 
Total  48cp