University of Technology Sydney

STM90559 Foundations of Law stream

This stream caters for business students interested in developing an in-depth understanding of the law. After developing skills which are essential to the study of law, students undertake fundamental law subjects of direct application to the business environment. Students then have an opportunity to specialise in areas relevant to their particular career focus.

Completion requirements

70211  Contracts  8cp
70311  Torts  8cp
70327  Introduction to Property and Commercial Law  6cp
70102  Foundations of Law  8cp
70103  Ethics Law and Justice  6cp
Select 12 credit points of options:  12cp
77715  Banking Law 6cp 
76027  Competition Law 6cp 
76023  Deceptive Trade Practices and Product Liability 6cp 
76024  Environmental Law 6cp 
76115  Insolvency 6cp 
76212  Revenue Law 6cp 
76002  Sports Law 6cp 
Total  48cp