University of Technology Sydney

MAJ01199 Biomedical Engineering

60912  Science Thesis 1  24cp
60913  Science Thesis 2  24cp
Select 24 credit points of options:  24cp
91573  Advanced Microscopy and Imaging 6cp 
91567  Advanced Microscopy and Imaging 8cp 
91171  Biomedical Engineering Project C 12cp 
91186  Biomedical Engineering Project A 8cp 
91187  Biomedical Engineering Project B 8cp 
42060  Biomedical Industry Frameworks 6cp 
49261  Biomedical Instrumentation 6cp 
91191  Bionanotechnology 6cp 
91569  Biotechnology Solutions to Infectious Diseases 8cp 
69508  Clinical Trials: Evidence and Design 2cp 
68028  Data Literacy: Data Informed Decision Making 2cp 
60102  Ethics in Animal Research 2cp 
69511  Ethics in Human Research 2cp 
69509  Genomics and Precision Medicine 2cp 
60904  Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Commercialisation 6cp 
42721  Introduction to Biomedical Engineering 6cp 
60108  Laboratory Management 4cp 
69502  Medical Devices and Diagnostics 6cp 
49275  Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic 6cp 
60109  Professional Science Document Writing 2cp 
48023  Programming Fundamentals 6cp 
60106  Research Proposal Writing 2cp 
60116  Risk Assessment and Management for Science 2cp 
60119  Science Business Models and Intellectual Property 4cp 
Total  72cp