96021 Pharmacy Research Project B
6cp; scheduled meetings with project supervisor; availability: Master of Pharmacy students onlyRequisite(s): 96020 Pharmacy Research Project A
These requisites may not apply to students in certain courses.
There are course requisites for this subject. See access conditions.
In this subject students undertake a short research investigation under the supervision of a member of academic staff. Students contribute, in collaboration with their UTS supervisor and where appropriate an industry or external co-supervisor, to formulate the scope of the research project, including planning the research work. Students are responsible for writing the proposal, carrying out the work, including appropriate and critical analysis of the data or information obtained, writing up the findings as a manuscript which may be eligible for publication, and presenting the research plan and outcomes to a research audience. The manuscript typically includes an introduction to the project, a description of the methods used, a description of the results obtained plus any analysis undertaken and a discussion of the results in the context of the relevant literature.
Typical availability
Spring session, City campus
Detailed subject description.