University of Technology Sydney

16658 Capstone Project: Property Development Analysis

6cp; block: 1 x 3hrs introductory evening class, 6 x 8hrs workshop classes, on campus
Requisite(s): 16235 Urban Economics AND 16233 Urban Planning Process AND 16642 Property Investment and Valuation AND 16655 Property Finance AND 16656 Sustainable Construction and Development Management AND 16631 Construction and Development Process
These requisites may not apply to students in certain courses. See access conditions.


The Capstone subject provides a forum for the student to showcase their learning throughout the Property Economics course. Specifically, the main assessment activity focuses on the presentation and delivery of an Investment Development Proposal with supporting information and recommendations to a proposed investor client who is interested in purchasing a medium to large scale mixed use development site. The Investment Development Proposal will be based on but not limited to the following:

Site identification, site and planning analysis, case study and market research including risk analysis, valuation and investment analysis, site Due Diligence and the consideration of sustainable development strategies. Issues to be addressed include but not limited to planning and development application requirements, demographic analysis and implications, site analysis, market analysis, market supply and demand analysis, establishing financial feasibility parameters, and sustainability considerations including affordable housing options.

Teams will be formed comprising up to four students per team and team members will work collaboratively within their teams to ensure all aspects impacting the development proposal are fully considered. The culmination of the team's findings will be presented to the client via both a team presentation and an Investment Development Proposal report.

The class meets with and presents to the proposed client who is investigating the potential development/redevelopment of an investment site that will be chosen by each of the teams. As such, there is a strong focus on professional-level communication styles i.e. using professional language, professional tone, and professional style of inforgraphics in class communications, the proposal reports and final presentations.

Detailed subject description.

Fee information

Information to assist with determining the applicable fee type can be found at Understanding fees.

Access conditions

Note: The requisite information presented in this subject description covers only academic requisites. Full details of all enforced rules, covering both academic and admission requisites, are available at access conditions and My Student Admin.