Select 8 credit points of options: | | | 8cp |
69514 Biomolecular Science | | 6cp | |
68106 Calculus 1 | | 6cp | |
68028 Data Literacy: Data Informed Decision Making | | 2cp | |
68030 Data Literacy: Data and Disagreements | | 2cp | |
68027 Data Literacy: Telling Data Stories | | 2cp | |
68029 Data Literacy: Using Data to Understand People and Customers | | 2cp | |
60102 Ethics in Animal Research | | 2cp | |
69509 Genomics and Precision Medicine | | 2cp | |
60108 Laboratory Management | | 4cp | |
69513 Medical Microbiology | | 6cp | |
60109 Professional Science Document Writing | | 2cp | |
60116 Risk Assessment and Management for Science | | 2cp | |
60119 Science Business Models and Intellectual Property | | 4cp | |
37013 Understanding Data: Linear Regression Models for Interpretation and Prediction | | 2cp | |
37012 Understanding Data: Making Population Statements with Samples | | 2cp | |
37014 Understanding Data: Statistical Models for Binary Outcomes | | 2cp | |
Select 40 credit points of options: | | | 40cp |
91573 Advanced Microscopy and Imaging | | 6cp | |
91191 Bionanotechnology | | 6cp | |
69508 Clinical Trials: Evidence and Design | | 2cp | |
99026 Coastal Protection and Restoration | | 6cp | |
69510 Diagnostic Cytogenetics | | 2cp | |
69511 Ethics in Human Research | | 2cp | |
65009 Forensic Inference and Interpretation | | 8cp | |
65019 Foundations of Forensic Science | | 8cp | |
60904 Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Commercialisation | | 6cp | |
15315 Project Management Principles | | 6cp | |
91575 Proteomics | | 6cp | |
60106 Research Proposal Writing | | 2cp | |
57214 Stakeholder Engagement | | 8cp | |
37010 Statistics and Financial Econometrics | | 8cp | |
91189 Urban Sustainability and Resilience | | 6cp | |
Total | | | 48cp |