University of Technology Sydney

CBK92260 Options

Select 42 credit points of options:  42cp
78026  Business and Law in China 6cp 
77947  Companies and Securities Law 6cp 
78126  Corporate Governance 6cp 
78122  Corporate Insolvency 6cp 
79771  Dispute Resolution 6cp 
78153  International Commercial Transactions 6cp 
78206  International Organisations 6cp 
77716  International Trade Law 6cp 
77938  Introduction to Taxation Law 6cp 
78222  Law of Slavery and Human Trafficking 6cp 
77942  Legal Aspects of Contracts Administration 6cp 
78244  Mergers and Acquisitions Law 6cp 
77745  Negotiation 6cp 
77740  Research Paper 6cp 
78261  Special Topics in International Law and Cultural Heritage 6cp 
Total  42cp