University of Technology Sydney

91400 Human Anatomy and Physiology

Warning: The information on this page is indicative. The subject outline for a particular session, location and mode of offering is the authoritative source of all information about the subject for that offering. Required texts, recommended texts and references in particular are likely to change. Students will be provided with a subject outline once they enrol in the subject.

Subject handbook information prior to 2025 is available in the Archives.

UTS: Science: Life Sciences
Credit points: 6 cp
Result type: Grade and marks


In this subject, students gain knowledge of the human body, which puts them in good standing for biomedical-oriented subjects in subsequent years. Students learn the anatomy (structure) and physiology (function) of the healthy human body. Lectures complement a supportive practical program with a mix of on-campus hands-on activities and a self-paced online module. The subject content includes the anatomical organisation of the body and anatomical terms; the basic tissue types found in the human body; the gross anatomy of the cardiovascular, endocrine, gastrointestinal, haematological, integumentary (skin), musculoskeletal, nervous, respiratory, and urinary systems; fluid and electrolyte homeostasis. Presentation, library research, and report writing skills are also developed.

Subject learning objectives (SLOs)

Upon successful completion of this subject students should be able to:

1. Apply your knowledge of human anatomy and physiology in communicating the processes that underlie the healthy human state and also selected diseases
2. Identify and locate the key organs of the organ systems presented in the subject and be able to best describe their particular functions as well as be able to relate their structure, composition and location to their particular functions.
3. Use your understanding of physiological principles to explain the mechanisms underlying different examples of human activities (e.g. breathing).

Course intended learning outcomes (CILOs)

This subject also contributes specifically to the development of following course intended learning outcomes:

  • Demonstrate theoretical and technical knowledge of broad science concepts and explain specialised disciplinary knowledge. (1.1)
  • Evaluate scientific evidence and apply effective experimental design and/or mathematical reasoning, analysis, and critical thinking to apply science and/or mathematic methodologies to real world problems. (2.1)
  • Present and communicate complex ideas and justifications using appropriate communication approaches from a variety of methods (oral, written, visual) to communicate with discipline experts, scientists, industry, and the general public. (5.1)

Contribution to the development of graduate attributes

Human Anatomy and Physiology are core subjects in the Biomedical Physics, Biomedical Science, Biotechnology, Medicinal Chemistry, Medical Science and Pre-medicine courses. It presents fundamental knowledge and skills required for several Stage 3 to 6 subjects. The organisation and delivery of Human Anatomy and Physiology will assist students to develop the following graduate attributes:

Disciplinary knowledge

You can develop this attribute via lectures, practicals and an online module. Often, you will be encouraged to interact with each other, the lecturer, or your class teacher so that fundamental concepts in physiology are well understood. You will also have the opportunity to master the terms and terminology used to describe the different parts of the body and their location in relation to the whole body and other organs. Doing so will encourage you to appreciate how knowledge and understanding of human structure and function can serve society. Online and in-class quizzes are designed to provide you with an opportunity to consolidate your learning and let you assess your developing mastery of the subject. The disease presentation will allow you to apply your knowledge to explain the processes that underlie a specific disease.

Research, inquiry and critical thinking

Academic success with the disease presentation requires conducting independent but supported research using sources appropriate to professional medical and health communications.

Communication skills

Based on employer surveys, communication skills are the most highly ranked graduate attribute desired by employers from new graduates. You will have two opportunities to develop your skills. You are to choose a disease from a list and prepare a short PowerPoint presentation that communicates the features of the disease in a way that a general audience can understand. During the practicals, you will collect data and have opportunities to present such data as would be seen in a medical or health report or research article.

Teaching and learning strategies

Lectures will be a mix of live deliveries and pre-recordings. In the case of the live sessions, they will be delivered using the Zoom conferencing platform. The live sessions will be recorded. If you miss a live lecture or have chosen not to allocate time to the live sessions, you can view these along with the pre-recorded offerings. The lectures present the structures (anatomy and histology) and functions (physiology) of the organ systems. The focus is on the healthy state, and students will have the chance to develop an understanding of the interrelationships between structure and function in the human body as well as an appreciation of the contribution of each organ system studied to a state of health which is described in physiological terms as homeostasis.

On-campus practical classes will incorporate various teaching and learning activities. They are designed to provide high-quality on-campus experiences, including working with anatomical models and animal organ dissections and having the chance to take measurements of bodily functions. In one case, the practical class is replaced by a self-directed online module.

Students must routinely check the lecture and practical session timetables in their manuals and weekly emails for the times and format of lectures, weeks when there are on-class practicals and dates/deadlines for assessment tasks.

Non-content assessments: Communication and report writing skills will be developed and evaluated through a presentation on a disease of one of the organ systems and through in-class data handling, analysis and presentation sessions.

Opportunities to receive feedback during the session

  • Concerning quizzes that assess your mastery of lecture or practical content, the feedback will come through by providing the correct answers once any online quiz has been closed or explanations provided by the markers, in the case of in-class paper quizzes. Students can inquire further via the Discussion Board, which is accessible on the Canvas site. Similarly, students can post questions about the content before the linked quiz via the same discussion board.
  • During the practical sessions, students can confirm their knowledge and understanding of the content by going through the answers to the exercises provided in the manual with the class and the class teachers.
  • The disease presentation will be marked against a rubric, and your marker must comment on any criteria where you do not achieve the full score for that criteria.

Content (topics)


Through a self-study module, you will learn how medical terms are constructed and some of the common “parts” used in different medical terms. On campus, you will use your practical notes, anatomical charts and models to learn how to describe the position of different body parts.


How homeostasis equates to good health will be explained to you. The role of control systems in maintaining homeostasis will be detailed and supported by the example of one of those systems: the endocrine system and its hormones.


In a dedicated practical class, you will be introduced to the different types of tissue that make up organs. This will provide you with the foundations to understand how the unique histology of each organ relates to the organ’s functions.


The contribution of the second control system will be demonstrated as you learn about the structure and function of the Nervous System. For example, how this system responds to and transmits information and commands will be detailed in presentations on the action potential, synapses and neurotransmitters. The distinct structures and functions of the Central vs. the Peripheral Nervous Systems will be presented. On campus, you can deepen your understanding of anatomy using anatomical models and by dissecting a mammalian brain.


The contribution of these organs to structural support, protection from trauma, mineral homeostasis, and movement will be presented. In on-campus sessions, you will use your practical notes and anatomical charts and models to name and identify the major bones and muscles of the body and the different types of joints and learn about their respective movements.


In the lectures on the structures and functions of this system, you will gain an understanding of how this system maintains and regulates the blood supply to the different parts of the body. In on-campus sessions, you will be able to deepen your understanding of CVS structures through anatomical charts and models and the dissection of a mammalian heart. Also, in one of the on-campus sessions, you will see how the electrical activity (electrocardiogram, ECG) and circulatory activity (blood pressure measurement) of the CVS are evaluated.


How this system maintains the supply of oxygen and the removal of carbon dioxide from the body will be explained by detailing the structure and function of the airways and lungs. During a dedicated practical session, you will deepen your understanding of the structure of the lungs and airways and learn how lung function is evaluated.

In lectures and a self-study module, you will learn how this system supplies the body’s needs for the “building blocks” of the cells and organs and for fuel to allow the body to conduct all its vital work. In an online self-directed module, you will be shown the gross anatomy of the system and the histological differences found across the system.

How this system both (i) acts as the principal means of removing wastes and toxins and (ii) maintains the body’s “internal environment” (the fluids of the body, tissues and cells) will be explained in lectures on its structure and functions. On campus, you can deepen your knowledge of the system’s anatomy through charts, models and the dissection of a mammalian kidney. Also, while on campus, you will see how evaluating urine composition can be used to assess both the urinary and other organ systems' health.


In lectures, you will learn about the components of blood and the functions of the different components. You will also learn how several components work together to prevent blood loss after injury.


The histology and functions of the skin will be presented during a practical class.


Lectures will present the gross anatomy of the male and female reproductive systems. The same lectures will also present the physiology of spermatogenesis, ova production, and the preparation of the uterus for implantation.


Assessment task 1: Online Quizzes


This assessment task contributes to the development of the following graduate attributes:

1. Disciplinary knowledge


This assessment task addresses subject learning objective(s):


This assessment task contributes to the development of course intended learning outcome(s):


Type: Quiz/test
Groupwork: Individual
Weight: 35%

The lengths will vary depending on the number of lectures allocated to any quiz. Often in a quiz, four questions will be assigned to a lecture topic and 1.5 minutes is assigned for each question.


You will be assessed on your knowledge and understanding of lecture material. All questions will be multiple-choice questions. You will get a mark for every correct answer. Any wrong answer will get a mark of zero (0).

Assessment task 2: Disease Presentation


This assessment task contributes to the development of the following graduate attributes:

1. Disciplinary knowledge

2. Research, inquiry and critical thinking

5. Communication


This assessment task addresses subject learning objective(s):

1 and 3

This assessment task contributes to the development of course intended learning outcome(s):

1.1, 2.1 and 5.1

Type: Presentation
Groupwork: Individual
Weight: 30%

There will be a set of instructions as to the number of slides and maximum time provided via Canvas


Using a marking rubric which will be made available to you, you will be assessed on:

• Accuracy of information, in particular how this compares to the healthy state

• The readability of the slides and the use of non-text elements to capture your points

• The extent to which you addressed the different points about the disease

• The listenability of the audio track

Assessment task 3: In-class Practical Tests


This assessment task contributes to the development of the following graduate attributes:

1. Disciplinary knowledge


This assessment task addresses subject learning objective(s):


This assessment task contributes to the development of course intended learning outcome(s):


Type: Quiz/test
Groupwork: Individual
Weight: 35%

These will generally take 10-15 minutes. They will be held after the first hour of your practical to accomodate any late arrivals to a class.


You will be assessed on the knowledge and understanding of practical material from Weeks 2 to 9 . The questions will be a mix of labelling diagrams, short answer questions and multiple-choice questions. You will get a mark for every correct answer. Any wrong answer will get a mark of zero (0). Your quiz total will be calculated from the marks of the quizzes you complete. If you miss one or more tests for a legitimate and supported reason, your quiz total will be moderated to accommodate that and to ensure you are not penalised for a legitimate absence.

Minimum requirements

To pass this subject you must achieve a total mark of 50 or more. The total mark is an aggregate of all marks you are awarded for any assessment you have submitted. The individual marks are weighted as specified in the Assessment section.

Required texts

All students will be provided a limited licence to an e-text

Martini FI and Bartholomew EW Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology 8th edition