University of Technology Sydney

87600 VC Special Project B

Warning: The information on this page is indicative. The subject outline for a particular session, location and mode of offering is the authoritative source of all information about the subject for that offering. Required texts, recommended texts and references in particular are likely to change. Students will be provided with a subject outline once they enrol in the subject.

Subject handbook information prior to 2024 is available in the Archives.

UTS: Design, Architecture and Building: Design
Credit points: 6 cp
Result type: Grade and marks

Requisite elaboration/waiver:

To participate in this you must be studying in your third year of the Bachelor of Visual Communication Design. This subject replaces the core subject 87012 Research Through Design that runs in Spring Semester.


This subject develops cross-cultural design literacy through work integrated learning. Design and Health students from four Australian universities meet in Singapore and Malaysia and work with local students to research to create new and innovative sustainable design solutions in Health.

Subject learning objectives (SLOs)

On successful completion of this subject, students should be able to:

1. Undertake research (with a focus on cultural understanding).
2. Demonstrate self-directed project management and operation as a professional member of a multi-disciplinary team.
3. Originate diverse and imaginative ideas and refine them through critical reflection and evaluation.
4. Pitch project solutions with impact, clarity and functionality in oral, visual and written forms to a professional standard.

Course intended learning outcomes (CILOs)

This subject also contributes to the following Course Intended Learning Outcomes:

  • Work cooperatively and professionally as part of a team, initiate partnerships with others, take a leadership role when required, and constructively contribute to peer learning. (C.1)
  • Communicate ideas effectively in a variety of ways, including oral, written and visual. (C.3)
  • Create designs that respond to their context in formally or conceptually innovative ways. (I.1)
  • Advance ideas through an exploratory and iterative design process. (I.2)
  • Analyse, synthesise and formulate complex ideas, arguments and rationales and use initiative to explore. (R.3)

Contribution to the development of graduate attributes

The term CAPRI is used for the five Design, Architecture and Building faculty graduate attribute categories where:

C = communication and groupwork

A = attitudes and values

P = practical and professional

R = research and critique

I = innovation and creativity.

Course intended learning outcomes (CILOs) are linked to these categories using codes (e.g. C-1, A-3, P-4, etc.).

Teaching and learning strategies

In this Global Studio the discipline of design is cast as an agent for change, a way of creating and critically exploring

sustainability in Healthcare. Students will work individually and in multi-disciplinary teams to synthesis research and design for a specific context.

Verbal feedback will be given regularly and at the time of presentations. Final projects will be exhibited in an exhibition in Singapore.

Content (topics)

  • Cross Cultural Design
  • New cultural understanding
  • Place-based design research
  • Sustainability
  • Collaborate in small multi-disciplinary teams


Assessment task 1: Stage 1 Research Diary


Research Diary
Detailed information on the task can be found in the Project Brief.


This task addresses the following subject learning objectives:

1, 2 and 3

This task also addresses the following course intended learning outcomes that are linked with a code to indicate one of the five CAPRI graduate attribute categories (e.g. C.1, A.3, P.4, etc.):

C.1, I.2 and R.3

Type: Report
Groupwork: Individual
Weight: 60%
Criteria linkages:
Criteria Weight (%) SLOs CILOs
Development of relevant insights and arguments from research. 50 1 R.3
Advance ideas through cultural observations 25 3 I.2
A capacity to collaborate effectively in a variety of group work contexts including professional interaction with client, studio leaders and group members. 25 2 C.1
SLOs: subject learning objectives
CILOs: course intended learning outcomes

Assessment task 2: Stage 2 Design Solution and Exhibition


Design Solution and Exhibition
Detailed information on the subject can be found in the Project Brief.


This task addresses the following subject learning objectives:

2, 3 and 4

This task also addresses the following course intended learning outcomes that are linked with a code to indicate one of the five CAPRI graduate attribute categories (e.g. C.1, A.3, P.4, etc.):

C.1, C.3, I.1 and I.2

Type: Presentation
Groupwork: Group, group and individually assessed
Weight: 40%
Criteria linkages:
Criteria Weight (%) SLOs CILOs
Capacity to create designs that respond to their context in conceptually innovative ways 40 3 I.1
Advance ideas through an exploratory and iterative design process including presentation of process. 20 3 I.2
Clarity, professionalism and engagement of final project 20 4 C.3
A capacity to collaborate effectively in a variety of group work contexts including professional interaction with client, studio leaders and group members. 20 2 C.1
SLOs: subject learning objectives
CILOs: course intended learning outcomes

Minimum requirements

The DAB attendance policy requires students to attend no less than 80% of formal teaching sessions (lectures and tutorials) for each class they are enrolled in to remain eligible for assessment.