University of Technology Sydney

75425 Lawyers in Practice

Warning: The information on this page is indicative. The subject outline for a particular session, location and mode of offering is the authoritative source of all information about the subject for that offering. Required texts, recommended texts and references in particular are likely to change. Students will be provided with a subject outline once they enrol in the subject.

Subject handbook information prior to 2025 is available in the Archives.

UTS: Law
Credit points: 6 cp
Result type: Grade and marks

Requisite(s): (75426c Practical Experience 20 days AND (102 credit points of completed study in 102.0000000000 Credit Points spk(s): STM90688 102cp Core subjects LLB OR 108 credit points of completed study in 108.0000000000 Credit Points spk(s): STM90832 LLB Core Subjects OR 108 credit points of completed study in 108.0000000000 Credit Points spk(s): STM90831 Juris Doctor Core Subjects) AND (114 credit points of completed study in 114.0000000000 Credit Points spk(s): C04236 Juris Doctor OR 162 credit points of completed study in 162.0000000000 Credit Points spk(s): C10124 Bachelor of Laws OR 114 credit points of completed study in 114.0000000000 Credit Points spk(s): STM90691 144cp Law Stream OR 114 credit points of completed study in 114.0000000000 Credit Points spk(s): STM90401 Law Stream Combined Degree BA Communication Bachelor of Laws OR 132 credit points of completed study in 132.0000000000 Credit Points spk(s): C04320 Juris Doctor Graduate Certificate Professional Legal Practice) AND 75424c Skills and Wills Practice) OR (75424c Skills and Wills Practice AND 75426c Practical Experience 20 days)
The lower case 'c' after the subject code indicates that the subject is a corequisite. See definitions for details.
These requisites may not apply to students in certain courses. See access conditions.
Anti-requisite(s): 75411 Practical Experience 65 days AND 94680 Entering Professional Life (6cp) AND 94681 Entering Professional Life (8cp)

Requisite elaboration/waiver:

75426 Practical Experience 20 Days is a co-requisite of this subject. Skills and Wills is a co-requisite of Litigation Practice and Property and Commercial Practice.


This subject covers the skills, practice areas and values required for students to be admitted to practise law as prescribed by the 'competency standards' set out in the Legal Profession Uniform Admission Rules 2015. This subject centres on law in practice and is undertaken by students who enrol in stream B of the PLT program.

In this subject, students undertake work performed by an entry-level lawyer in legal practice. Simulations of legal practice enable students to immerse themselves in a number of environments: private practice, in-house legal team, government and community law. Students learn new and advanced skills, including project management, the application of technology in the law and legal practice and advocacy. Through intensive skills training, simulations and project work, students be well equipped to enter the legal profession.

This subject is delivered in a hybrid format: Intensive on-campus week, online simulations and online legal project.

Subject learning objectives (SLOs)

Upon successful completion of this subject students should be able to:

1. Analyse and apply legal principles and procedures to the management of a client’s matter across a range of legal environments within an ethical and professional framework
2. Demonstrate advanced skills in drafting, advocacy and problem-solving
3. Demonstrate competency in project management working with peers on the effective delivery of a project tangible
4. Apply self-management skills through the development of a professional approach to legal practice

Course intended learning outcomes (CILOs)

This subject also contributes specifically to the development of the following graduate attributes which reflect the course intended learning outcomes:

  • Ethics and Professional Responsibility
    a. An advanced capacity to value and promote honesty, integrity, cultural respect, accountability, public service and ethical standards, including an understanding of approaches to ethical decision-making, the rules of professional responsibility, an ability to reflect upon and respond to ethical challenges in practice and to exercise professional judgment.

    b. Recognise, reflect upon and respond with professional judgment to ethical and professional responsibility issues that arise in legal practice. (2.1)
  • Critical Analysis and Evaluation
    a. A capacity to think critically, strategically and creatively, including an ability to identify and articulate complex legal issues, apply reasoning and research to generate appropriate theoretical and practical responses, and demonstrate sophisticated cognitive and creative skills in approaching complex legal issues and generating appropriate responses.

    b. Identify, synthesise and articulate complex legal and technical issues and apply analytical skills to identify innovation and generate clear, succinct and novel responses. (3.1)
  • Collaboration
    a. Specialised collaboration skills, including effective team work to achieve a common goal in a group learning environment or the workplace.

    b. Take responsibility to give feedback and to respond to feedback in a professional context, to work effectively with colleagues and other stakeholders and to resolve challenges through effective negotiation. (6.1)
  • Self-management
    a. A high level of autonomy, accountability and professionalism, the ability to implement appropriate self-management and lifelong learning strategies including initiating self-directed work and learning, judgment and responsibility, self-assessment of skills, personal wellbeing and appropriate use of feedback, and a capacity to adapt to and embrace change.

    b. Evaluate and implement their own professional development and incorporate personal skills in order to work with autonomy as a responsible and adaptable professional. (8.1)

Contribution to the development of graduate attributes

Graduate Attribute 2: Ethics and Professional Responsibility An advanced and integrated capacity to value and promote honesty, integrity, cultural respect, accountability, public service and ethical standards including an understanding of approaches to ethical decision making, the rules of professional responsibility, an ability to reflect upon and respond to ethical challenges in practice, and a developing ability to engage in the profession of law and to exercise professional judgment.

Graduate Attribute 3: Critical Analysis and Evaluation A capacity to think critically, strategically and creatively including an ability to identify and articulate complex legal issues, apply reasoning and research to generate appropriate theoretical and practical responses, and, demonstrate sophisticated cognitive and creative skills in approaching complex legal issues and generating appropriate responses.

Graduate Attribute 6: Collaboration Advanced and integrated collaboration skills in working together to achieve a common goal in a group learning environment or the workplace, including the capacity to give and receive feedback, appropriate professional and interpersonal skills in working cooperatively and the ability to develop strategies to successfully negotiate group challenges.

Graduate Attribute 8: Self-management A high level of autonomy, accountability and professionalism, the ability to implement appropriate self-management and lifelong learning strategies including initiating self-directed work and learning, judgment and responsibility, self-assessment of skills, personal wellbeing and appropriate use of feedback and, a capacity to adapt to and embrace change.

Teaching and learning strategies

Strategy 1. Intensive skills workshop: students engage in a series of orientation workshops with a focus of the development of advanced skills. Students will practise existing skills and learn new skills. Following continuous feedback (self, peer and teacher), students will be equipped with a range of skills that are fundamental to legal practice.

Strategy 2. Simulations: students engage in simulated workplaces where they practise relevant skills including the management of the practice and the common tasks undertaken by lawyers in that environment, e.g. private practice, government, in-house and community law.

Strategy 3. Project: students consolidate their learning in a legal project with a tangible deliverable, for example, law reform submission, community legal information. Students work collaboratively to manage the project and receive ongoing feedback from externals, teachers and peers.

Content (topics)

1 Intensive skills, 2 Administration of legal practice, 3 Drafting for Practice, 4 Appeals, 5 Advocacy, 6 Technology In Practice, 7 Project Management, 8 Private Practice, 9 In-house Practice, 10 Government Practice, 11 Community Law Practice, 12 Workplace Culture & Careers


Assessment task 1: Assessment Task 1: Portfolio of Tasks


This task addresses the following subject learning objectives:

1 and 2

This task contributes specifically to the development of the following graduate attributes:

2.1 and 3.1


1500 words



Assessment task 2: Assessment Task 2: Advocacy


This task addresses the following subject learning objectives:

2 and 4

This task contributes specifically to the development of the following graduate attributes:

2.1, 3.1 and 6.1


2,000 (equivalent)



Assessment task 3: Assessment Task 3: Legal Project


This task addresses the following subject learning objectives:

1, 3 and 4

This task contributes specifically to the development of the following graduate attributes:

2.1, 3.1, 6.1 and 8.1


2,000 (equivalent)



Minimum requirements

Pass 50% with all assessments attempted

Required texts

None. Students will have access to library for resources.

Recommended texts

None. Students will have access to library for resources.