University of Technology Sydney

42146 Manual Methods for Reverse Engineering

Warning: The information on this page is indicative. The subject outline for a particular session, location and mode of offering is the authoritative source of all information about the subject for that offering. Required texts, recommended texts and references in particular are likely to change. Students will be provided with a subject outline once they enrol in the subject.

Subject handbook information prior to 2025 is available in the Archives.

UTS: Engineering: Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering
Credit points: 2 cp
Result type: Pass fail, no marks


This micro-credential provides an introduction to the principles and practices of manual reverse engineering. The subject is structured to equip learners with the necessary skills and knowledge for accurately measuring physical objects using advanced tools such as computer metrology, vernier calipers, and micrometers.

Students engage in detailed analysis and interpretation of measurement data, a critical step in constructing precise digital representations of physical entities. The subject also encompasses the application of manual reverse engineering techniques, essential for the reproduction of components in fields like manufacturing and quality assurance. This subject is designed to foster a thorough understanding of these processes, preparing students for professional applications in various technical domains.

Subject learning objectives (SLOs)

Upon successful completion of this subject students should be able to:

1. Reflect on the principles and techniques of manual reverse engineering methods for engineering applications in your own work context. (F.1)
2. Analyse measurement data to validate the accuracy of a 3D scanned component. (D.1)
3. Apply manual techniques to reverse engineer components for engineering professionals engaged with manufacturing and quality assurance. (D.1)

Course intended learning outcomes (CILOs)

This subject also contributes specifically to the development of the following Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs):

  • Technically Proficient: FEIT graduates apply theoretical, conceptual, software and physical tools and advanced discipline knowledge to research, evaluate and predict future performance of systems characterised by complexity. (D.1)
  • Reflective: FEIT graduates critically self-review their own and others' performance with a high level of responsibility to improve and practice competently for the benefit of professional practice and society. (F.1)

Teaching and learning strategies

This subject combines online learning, engaging live sessions, and practical activities and assessments.
Weekly self-paced online components: Concepts are presented using theory, high-quality videos and interactive text and practice activities on Canvas. Learners will build a broad introductory understanding of manual methods, the underlying concepts and relevance for adoption in industry. Each module contains practice activities to test knowledge and deepen understanding. Discussions will be held using online discussion boards and during online classes.
Live session: consists of an introductory online session, and two in-person lab sessions where learners will apply their understanding from the online component. Learners will be able to gain hands-on experience in manual methods of reverse engineering using industry-relevant techniques.
The assessment: focus on the manual process of reverse engineering which require learners to implement this understanding and reflect on how these concepts can be applied to their own professional industry contexts.

Content (topics)

The content of the microcredential is structured into 4 modules
1. Module 1: Introduction to Reverse Engineering and 3D scanning

  • Week 1 : Introduction to Reverse Engineering
  • Week 2: Introduction to 3D Scanning and Modelling

2. Module 2: Manual Measurement & Tolerancing

  • Week 3: Fundamentals of Manual Measurement
  • Week 4: Tolerancing

3. Module 3: Advanced Measurements & Quality Assurance

  • Week 5: Advanced Measurement Techniques
  • Week 6: Quality Assurance

4. Module 4: Practical Applications of Reverse Engineering

  • Week 7: Manual Reverse Engineering in Industry
  • Week 8: Final Presentations


Assessment task 1: Project Presentations


The intent of this assessments is for learners to demonstrate the skill of manual methods of reverse engineering by measuring and inspecting an object or objects. Learners will also demonstrate an understanding of quality assurance, tolerancing, and the implications of manufacturing methods to ensure correct reverse engineering method is applied.


This assessment task addresses the following subject learning objectives (SLOs):

1, 2 and 3

This assessment task contributes to the development of the following Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs):

D.1 and F.1

Type: Presentation
Groupwork: Individual
Weight: 100%

5-Minute Video Presentation: The core assessment of this subject is a single, video presentation, carrying the full weight of the subject’s assessment.

Minimum requirements

In order to pass the subject, a student must achieve an overall mark of 50% or more.

Required texts

All required texts and content will be provided through UTS Canvas.

Recommended texts

All recommended texts and content will be provided through UTS Canvas.