University of Technology Sydney

210703 Service Supply Chain Design and Innovation

Warning: The information on this page is indicative. The subject outline for a particular session, location and mode of offering is the authoritative source of all information about the subject for that offering. Required texts, recommended texts and references in particular are likely to change. Students will be provided with a subject outline once they enrol in the subject.

Subject handbook information prior to 2025 is available in the Archives.

UTS: Business
Credit points: 6 cp

Subject level:


Result type: Grade and marks

There are course requisites for this subject. See access conditions.


Service supply chains are increasingly becoming complex, they are adaptive networks that involve highly dynamic processes. This calls for collaboration with customers and suppliers, including information sharing and visibility across the service value network and real-time decision-making. In this subject, learners learn the fundamentals of service characteristics and the design, implementation and management of service supply chain networks. Learners explore how the integration, collaboration and alignment of internal and external business processes drive service innovation, business model innovation and effective management of service supply chains. This subject focuses on service strategies, including customer co-creation and collaborative value creation in service networks. The subject details frameworks and service design models, including network operations, configurations, and human- and technology-centric approaches critical for people-embedded service networks. In addition, learners are introduced to understanding the value of data and information and innovative data analysis techniques to manage service supply chains and develop sound technical knowledge for end-to-end service value networks.

Subject learning objectives (SLOs)

Upon successful completion of this subject students should be able to:
1. Understand fundamentals of service characteristics to design and manage cross-cultural processes
2. Apply frameworks and models for service supply chain design and delivery, including customer journey orchestration
3. Analyse service design, delivery, and operations to innovate, co-create value through collaboration with stakeholders, and devise new business models
4. Develop and understand the role of data, information, and technology-centric approaches for value creation in service value networks

Contribution to the development of graduate attributes

In Australia and globally, there has been a significant expansion and reliance on service sectors, such as health, travel and tourism, education and many more, both in employment levels and in their contribution to economic activity. Furthermore, with the advancement of technology-enabled services, many non-service organisations (such as manufacturing and mining) and their supply networks include key service-oriented operation processes, especially in relation to procurement, post-service support and management of service supply chains. A deep understanding of the unique service characteristics, unlike manufacturing, will furnish learners with effective service design capabilities associated with dynamic and complex service value networks, which requires both strategic foresight and systemic insight for service innovation, business model innovation and service management. With the increasing advent of data and information, learners will be equipped with knowledge associated with service-specific analytical toolkits and develop skills to make decisions through computational connections across complex and inter-twined service value networks. Through this, the learners will craft solutions, map customer journey orchestration and recognise how other stakeholders are value co-creators as an integral part of the complex service value network. The subject will arm future service managers with the ability to face challenges in managing service supply networks and arm them with capabilities to design, plan, control and measure services and service networks and their productivity using a range of data analytics and computational techniques.

This subject contributes to the development of the following graduate attributes:

  • Intellectual rigour and innovative problem solving
  • Professional and technical competence

This subject specifically develops the following Program Learning Objective for the Master of Supply Chain Management:

  • Apply critical thinking and advanced analytical skills to identify opportunities and develop innovative solutions that respond to community and business needs within a strategic supply chain management context (1.1)

Teaching and learning strategies

This subject is delivered online using a range of resources, self-directed study and live interactive sessions with the academic. Learners engage in the essential content through a variety of formats (lecture slides, notes, webinars, videos, articles, real case studies) online and learner-led dialogue through online discussions and posts, and interactions via Canvas. The teaching and learning strategies have been designed to enable learners to make progress in their achievement and maximise their accomplishment of the learning outcomes. Various teaching and learning strategies adopted are as follows:

  1. Learners will be expected to read all the assigned readings and media articles, research and identify innovative models and effective techniques applicable to service supply chain design and innovation that result in enhanced performance management.
  2. By conducting self-paced study, learners contribute to the discussions on the influence of service supply chain/service value networks on firm performance. This will enhance learners’ ability to progress successfully throughout the subject and complete all assessment items effectively.
  3. The online sessions will provide opportunities for group activities and discussion, selfassessment, peer review and formative feedback from the subject facilitator. Online collaborative sessions with the facilitator will be conducted at a set time.
  4. Formative and summative feedback will be provided to all learners and will take several forms, including quizzes during the independent learning activities and online collaborative sessions to support and enhance learner performance outcomes via assessments.

Content (topics)

  • Service characteristics, service strategy, their operations and delivery
  • Service supply chain design models and frameworks for service innovation
  • Stakeholder and customers as value co-creators of service innovation
  • Managing complex value networks - human and technology-mediated approaches for service innovation
  • Designing and blue printing of service processes in service supply chain and procurement systems for non-indigenous and indigenous contexts
  • Importance of data and information and productivity measures for service value networks and associated managerial implications


Assessment task 1: Current Process Blueprint Map (Individual)


This addresses subject learning objective(s):

1 and 3

Weight: 20%

A3 1 page

  • Appropriate selection of a real case and identification of key characteristics relevant to the service supply chain
  • Clarity and accuracy of process map

Assessment task 2: Industry Case Study Analysis (Individual)


Report (25%)

A3 Design artefact (15%)


This addresses subject learning objective(s):

1, 2 and 3

Weight: 40%

750-word report, excluding references

  • Depth and rigor of service case analysis and service supply chain/service value network strategic analysis
  • Demonstration of application of service supply chain design techniques and redesigning the process in the report
  • Depth and rigor of analysis as demonstrated by the redesign of the service supply chain/service value network as an artefact

Assessment task 3: Service Value Network Comparative Analysis (Individual)


This addresses subject learning objective(s):

2, 3 and 4

Weight: 40%

1000 words, excluding references

  • Depth and rigor of identification of a problem and service supply chain/service value network analysis for the Indigenous business
  • Depth of the comparative analysis in contrasting the Indigenous and non-Indigenous contexts
  • Clarity of communication and cohesion of the report

Minimum requirements

Learners must achieve at least 50% of the subject’s total marks.

Recommended texts

There is no prescribed textbook required.


Resources from various sources will be used throughout the course.