University of Technology Sydney

36200 Arguments, Evidence and Intuition

6cp; 1h online workhop and 1h tutorial per week.; availability: all UTS undergraduate students
Anti-requisite(s): 36201 Arguments, Evidence and Intuition




This subject promotes development of numeracy, quantitative literacy and critical thinking skills. Informed citizens need these skills to participate in discussion of significant issues in culture and society. Using primary research materials, governmental reports, and stories and claims drawn from current media and other sources, participants analyse and identify key features of numerical data and graphical illustrations used to support argument. By examining the ways that quantitative data can be collected, used and abused, as evidence for supporting argument, participants have an opportunity to develop habits of mind and lifelong learning skills that can be applied to the questions that should be asked, as informed citizens, of arguments and the supporting data. Participants apply their skills to construct a narrative that uses graphical and numerical data to tell a story, or support an argument, based on the principles explored in the subject.

Typical availability

Autumn, Spring and Summer session, City campus

Detailed subject description.

Access conditions

Note: The requisite information presented in this subject description covers only academic requisites. Full details of all enforced rules, covering both academic and admission requisites, are available at access conditions and My Student Admin.