University of Technology Sydney

59333 Advertising Strategies

Warning: The information on this page is indicative. The subject outline for a particular session, location and mode of offering is the authoritative source of all information about the subject for that offering. Required texts, recommended texts and references in particular are likely to change. Students will be provided with a subject outline once they enrol in the subject.

Subject handbook information prior to 2025 is available in the Archives.

UTS: Communication: Strategic Communication
Credit points: 6 cp
Result type: Grade and marks

There are course requisites for this subject. See access conditions.


In this subject, students learn about the various job functions in advertising agencies and their contribution to research, advertising strategy, creative development, media planning, and each role's contribution to the agency in pitching creative and media solutions to a client. In particular, students explore advertising strategies in response to a real client brief, based on their individual research to understand consumers, competitors, and the social and cultural environment. Students explore these processes individually and by working in small groups to emulate an advertising agency team. The agency teams develop a creative advertising brief from which each student gains practical advertising experience by individually producing a creative solution including writing a script and recording a radio commercial. As well, agency teams produce storyboards for a 30-second TV commercial and media plans which they pitch to a client.

Subject learning objectives (SLOs)

a. Critically reflect on the contribution of various disciplines to agency activities
b. Identify consumer insights for strategy development
c. Develop an idea-generating creative brief
d. Identify and generate creative media and social media solutions.
e. Communicate effectively in a professional role

Course intended learning outcomes (CILOs)

This subject engages with the following Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs), which are tailored to the Graduate Attributes set for all graduates of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences:

  • Possess a well-developed awareness of professional practice in the context of the communication industries (1.1)
  • Apply theoretically informed understanding of the communication industries in independent and collaborative projects across a range of media (1.2)
  • Possess information literacy skills to locate, gather, organise and synthesise information across diverse platforms to inform the understanding of the communication industries (2.1)
  • Be reflexive critical thinkers and creative practitioners who are intellectually curious, imaginative and innovative, with an ability to evaluate their own and others' work (2.2)
  • Possess well-developed skills and proficiencies to communicate and respond effectively and appropriately across different contexts (6.1)

Teaching and learning strategies

Students will form virtual teams to closely replicate the disciplines and relationships that occur within an advertising agency in the development of a campaign involving broadcast media for a client pitch. Individual and team assessment items provide opportunities for students to demonstrate their contribution and commitment to delivering a team result for the

briefed project. There will be a series of online recorded weekly lectures on key topics, including industry guest lectures in areas of special interest, plus online tutorials following the lectures. The tutorials will include practical creative exercises and development of student work-in-progress for the assessments.


Assessment task 1: Creative Brief: Appraisal Report


a, b, c and e

Weight: 30%

1,000 word report (with word count), + references,

Due: Written report submitted to Turnitin , Week 5

Criteria linkages:
Criteria Weight (%) SLOs CILOs
Demonstration of understanding of the importance and strengths of the creative brief 25 c 2.2
Appropriateness of research to support and inform creative development process 25 a, b 2.1
Professional and coherent expression of an argument 25 b 1.2
Rigour of research synopsis and sources/references 25 e 6.1
SLOs: subject learning objectives
CILOs: course intended learning outcomes

Assessment task 2: Recorded Radio Script and Agency Creative Brief


b, c and d

Weight: 40%

Radio script + 300 word rationale, and agency creative brief

Criteria linkages:
Criteria Weight (%) SLOs CILOs
Strength of consumer proposition 20 c 6.1
Originality of the script and the Big Idea 20 b, c 2.1
Quality of the creative rationale 25 c 2.2
Level of consistency between Creative Brief and creative work 15 d 2.2
Creativity of the scripts, VO/and SFX 20 d 1.2
SLOs: subject learning objectives
CILOs: course intended learning outcomes

Assessment task 3: Agency Creative Pitch


a, b, c and e

Weight: 30%

Length: PDF of the presentation slides, recorded radio commercial plus a copy of the Creative Brief – uploaded into UTS Canvas.

Criteria linkages:
Criteria Weight (%) SLOs CILOs
Depth of understanding of agency roles 10 a 1.1
Quality and coherence of presentation 10 e 6.1
Persuasiveness of the agency’s strategy 25 b, e 1.2
Originality of the Big Idea 25 c 2.2
Professionalism of storyboards and commercial production 15 e 6.1
Integration of media and creative strategies 15 b 1.2
SLOs: subject learning objectives
CILOs: course intended learning outcomes

Minimum requirements

Students are expected to read the subject outline to ensure they are familiar with the subject requirements.

Classes are based on a collaborative approach that involves essential work-shopping and interchange of ideas with other students and the tutor.

In this subject assessment tasks are cumulative so that each task builds understanding and/or skills, informed by formative feedback. Consequently, all assessments must be submitted in order for you to receive feedback. Students who do not submit all assessments will not pass the subject.

Required texts

Moriarty et al (2019) Advertising & IMC: Principles and Practice. (11th Global Edition).

Recommended texts

Drewniany, B.L. & Jewler, A.J. (2008), Creative Strategy in Advertising, 9th edition, Boston, MA, Thomson Wadsworth.

Don't forget the BIG BOOK section of the library for D&AD and One Show and great ad examples!


Altstiel, T. 2017. Advertising creative : strategy, copy, and design. Los Angeles, Sage

Aitchison, J. 2008. Cutting Edge Advertising: How to create the world's best print for brands in the 21st century. Singapore, Prentice Hall.

Applegate, E. 2016. Strategic copywriting : how to create effective advertising, Lanham UK, Rowman & Littlefield

Barry, P. 2008. Think Now, Design Later: A complete guide to creative ideas, strategies and campaigns. NY, Thames & Hudson.

Berman, M. 2017. The blueprint for strategic advertising : how critical thinking builds successful campaigns. New York, Routledge.

Berman, M. 2007. Street Smart Advertising. Lanham, Maryland, Rowman & Littlefield.

Bodle, R., Hamilton, J. F. & Korin. E. 2017. Explorations in critical studies of advertising. New York, Routledge.

Burtenshaw, K. Mahon, N. & Barfoot, C. 2006. The Fundamentals of Creative Advertising. Lausanne, AVA Publishing.

Corstjens, J. 1990. Strategic Advertising: A Practitioner's Handbook. Oxford, Heinemann.

Crawford, R. 2008. But Wait, There's More: A history of Australian advertising. Carlton, MUP.

Christians, C. G. & Wilkins, L. 2009. The handbook of mass media ethics. New York, Routledge

Dahlén, M. Okazaki, S., & Rosengren, S. 2013. Advances in advertising research.(Vol. IV), Wiesbaden. Springer Gabler,

Drewniany, B.L. & Jewler, A.J. 2008. Creative Strategy in Advertising. 9th edition, Boston, MA, Thomson Wadsworth.

Gabay, J. 2003. Teach Yourself Copywriting. Abingdon, Oxon, Hodder & Stoughton.

Himpe, T. 2008. Advertising is Dead, Long Live Advertising. London, Thames & Hudson.

Himpe. T. 2008. Advertising next : 150 winning campaigns for the new communications age. London, Thames & Hudson.

Hudson. Barry, P. 2010. The Advertising Concept Book, access via

Hovland, R., Marquette, J. & Haley, E. 2007. Readings in Advertising, Society & Culture. Armonk, NY, ME Sharpe, Inc.

Jewler, A.J. & Drewniany, B.L. 2009. Creative Strategy in Advertising. 9th ed., Belmont, Wadsworth Thomson Learning.

Johnson, K. A. 2017. Shoot, edit, share video production for mass media, marketing, advertising, and public relations. New York, Routledge.

Lane, W.R., Whitehill K. & Russell, J. 2005. Kleppner's Advertising Procedure,16th ed., Upper Saddle River, NJ. Pearson Education.

McStay, A. 2016. Digital Advertising. New York, Palgrave Macmillan.

Moriarty, S. & Duncan, T. 1995. Creating & Delivering Winning Advertising/Marketing Presentations, 2nd ed., NTC Business Books.

Newman, M. 2003. Creative Leaps: Lessons in Effective Advertising. Singapore, J Wiley & Sons.

Newman, M. 2004. The 22 Irrefutable Laws of Advertising. Singapore, J Wiley & Sons.

Ogilvy, D. 1985. Ogilvy On Advertising, New York, NY, Crown.

O'Shaughnessy, J. & O'Shaughnessy, N.J. 2004. Persuasion in Advertising. London, Routledge.

Percy, L., Rossiter, J.R. & Elliott, R. 2002. Strategic Advertising Management. Oxford, OUP.

Pricken, M. 2004. Creative Advertising: Ideas & Techniques from the World's Best Campaigns. NY, Thames & Hudson.

Spence, E. & Van Heekeren, B. 2005. Advertising Ethics: Basic Ethics in Action. Upper Saddle River, NJ, Prentice Hall.

Sullivan, L. 2000. Hey Whipple, Squeeze This: A Guide to Creating Great Ads. New York, J Wiley & Sons.

Swanepoel, K. et al. 2004. One Show Interactive: Advertising's Best Interactive & New Media. Lausanne, AVA Publishing.

Wells, W., Spence-Stone, R., Crawford, R., Moriarty, S. & Mitchell, N. 2011. Advertising, Principles & Practice, 2nd Australian Edition. Frenchs Forest, NSW, Pearson Education Australia.

Williams, Eliza. 2010. This is Advertising. London, Laurence King.

Williams, R. 2004. The Non-Designer's Design Book. California, Peachpit Press.

Williams, M. 1997. Interactive Marketing. Sydney, Prentice Hall.

Other resources

Readings with refer to World Advertising Research Centre <>.

This portal and the readings in it can be accessed from the Library's website via and weekly readings via

We will also have a list of articles to source later down the track.