University of Technology Sydney

Information for students

The Graduate School of Health specialises in graduate-entry masters programs in clinical psychology, genetic counselling, orthoptics, pharmacy, physiotherapy and speech pathology, as well as undergraduate and graduate programs in Psychology.

Our key objective is to prepare students to work as health professionals, and in most courses students graduate with a professional registration from the relevant authorising body.

Practical learning, high-impact research and professional partnerships are the foundational pillars which drive the School into the future.

The Australian health sector is changing, with emerging technologies, an ageing population and increased patient demand for improved health services. The Graduate School of Health prides itself on delivering courses and undertaking research that responds to these contemporary and future healthcare issues. All our degrees have been developed in collaboration with industry advisory boards, making them responsive to future employer needs.

Students learn from experienced, internationally recognised academics and many clinical practitioner teachers. The School takes a unique approach to teaching; real-world examples and focused case studies foster students' active learning skills and creative thinking. Graduates are equipped to solve complex clinical problems, lead with confidence and manage the multi-faceted challenges faced by health care professions.

Location, contacts and inquiries

The UTS Graduate School of Health is located at City campus, 100 Broadway.

UTS: Graduate School of Health

Student load

All courses offered by the Graduate School of Health, with the exception of Good Manufacturing Practice and undergraduate psychology, are full-time. Students enrolled in full-time courses must follow the correct full-time enrolment pattern for their coursework degree as listed in the UTS Handbook. This is a requirement for both local and international students.

Progression rules

A Faculty Board may determine specific requirements for the timing and calculation of assessment of rate of progress for students enrolled in particular graduate coursework award courses, or vertically integrated courses (Rule 10.2.3)

Postgraduate and undergraduate GSH students may be excluded from further study at the University due to one or more of the following reasons.

  1. If a student fails to meet the minimum rate of progress by failing more than 50 percent of the total number of enrolled credit points from the commencement of the course (UTS Rule 10.4.1).
  2. If a student exceeds the maximum time to complete the course requirements (UTS Rule 10.5).
    1. The maximum time that can be taken to complete a GSH Master’s postgraduate coursework degree (outlined below) is three years unless an exception has been approved by the relevant Responsible Academic Officer (RAO). The degrees are:
      • C04252 Master of Pharmacy
      • C04299 Master of Orthoptics
      • C04300 Master of Clinical Psychology
      • C04301 Master of Good Manufacturing Practice
      • C04306 Master of Physiotherapy
      • C04374 Master of Genetic Counselling
      • C04386 Master of Speech Pathology

An exception is the C04395 Master of Pharmacy (International) where the maximum time to complete is five years unless an exception has been approved by the relevant RAO

  1. The maximum time that can be taken to complete a UTS Online postgraduate coursework degrees outlined below are:
    • 30 months for the C06148 Graduate Diploma in Psychology
    • 24 months for the C06149 Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced)

unless an exception has been approved by the relevant RAO.

  1. The maximum time that can be taken to complete the following GSH Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate degrees is outlined below:
    • 3 years for the C06115 Graduate Diploma in Good Manufacturing Practice
    • 1.5 years for the C11249 Graduate Certificate in Good Manufacturing Practice
    • 1.5 years for the C11375 Graduate Certificate in Genetic Counselling Skills

unless an exception has been approved by the relevant RAO

  1. The maximum time that can be taken to complete an undergraduate psychology course shall not be greater than 50 percent in excess of the normal completion time laid down for that course.

3. If a student fails a subject for the second time in a course offered by the Graduate School of Health (excluding students enrolled in Undergraduate Psychology courses) (UTS Rule 10.6.1(2)), and they are not permitted to enrol in that subject for a third time.

i. If the subject is a core subject, and the student is refused permission for a third attempt, the student will be excluded from the course for at least one academic year (UTS Rule 10.6.4).

ii. Students may apply for re-admission to the course through the UTS application process at the end of the one-year exclusion period but readmission is not automatic (Rule 5.9).

4. GSH UTS Online courses C06148 Graduate Diploma in Psychology and C06149 Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced) students will be excluded if they fail three subjects (UTS Rule 10.2.3).

Inherent requirements

Inherent Requirements are academic and non-academic requirements that are inherent in or essential to the successful completion of a course. By identifying and effectively communicating the Inherent Requirements of our courses, UTS aims to assist prospective and current students to make informed decisions about their study, and to facilitate productive and transparent discussions about career choices.

Prospective and current students should carefully read the Inherent Requirement Statement in conjunction with the UTS Student Rules, and consider whether they might experience challenges in successfully completing their preferred or chosen course. This Statement is based on the following framework:

  1. Legal and Behavioural Requirements;
  2. Communication Tasks – verbal; written; non-verbal;
  3. Cognitive/Intellectual Tasks – literacy; numeracy; knowledge and information;
  4. Sensory Tasks – visual; auditory; tactile;
  5. Physical Tasks – gross and fine motor requirements; and
  6. Sustainable Performance.

Please note that UTS also requires students to comply with the UTS Student Charter and relevant University policies, procedures and regulations. In addition, students who enrol in professional degrees are required to comply with legal requirements relating to accreditation and registration.

It is important that students read the full details about the inherent requirements for their course:

  • Master of Pharmacy (C04252)
  • Master of Pharmacy (International) (C04395)
  • Master of Orthoptics (C04299)
  • Master of Clinical Psychology (C04300)
  • Master of Physiotherapy (C04306)
  • Master of Genetic Counselling (C04374)
  • Master of Speech Pathology (C04386)
  • Graduate Diploma in Psychology (C06148)
  • Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced) (C06149)
  • Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) (C09169)
  • Bachelor of Psychology (C10477)
  • Bachelor of Psychology Bachelor of Criminology (C10478)
  • Bachelor of Psychological Science (C09170)


100 Broadway, the Graduate School of Health's home, is unique. Having all allied health disciplines physically housed within the same building reflects best practices within a healthcare research and postgraduate teaching setting. Facilities include collaborative pod classrooms, a computer lab, purpose-built simulation spaces, and a public-facing clinic. Undergraduate psychology will use larger teaching spaces throughout the UTS city campus.