University of Technology Sydney

STM91819 Core subjects (Clinical Exercise Physiology)

94911  Person-Centred Care and Self-Management  6cp
94912  Clinical Exercise Medicine: Principles and Practices  6cp
94913  Musculoskeletal and Occupational Conditions  6cp
94914  Neurological and Mental Health Conditions  6cp
94921  Cardiopulmonary and Respiratory Conditions  6cp
94922  Metabolic and Renal Conditions  6cp
94923  Oncology and Haematology Conditions  6cp
94924  Clinical Exercise Physiology Placement 1  6cp
94931  Professional and Interprofessional Practice  6cp
94932  Complex Cases and Clinical Care  6cp
94933  Clinical Exercise Physiology Placement 2  6cp
94934  Clinical Exercise Physiology Placement 3  6cp
Total  72cp