MAJ02901 Quantum Information Science
Our capacity to process and transmit information is fundamentally determined by the physical systems we use for these tasks. Quantum information science studies a paradigm for information processing technologies that is empowered by quantum mechanics, our most fundamental physical theory. This exciting field has demonstrated that quantum information processing can outperform their classical counterpart and is a revolutionary direction to investigate for future information technologies. The Quantum Information Science major incorporates techniques from computer science, mathematics, and physics. Students learn basic concepts at the heart of computer science and quantum mechanics through to cutting edge, industry-leading topics in quantum computing such as quantum algorithms, quantum computer architectures, and quantum programming. This major equips students with advanced, interdisciplinary technical proficiency, enabling them to pursue careers in quantum information technologies and, more broadly, in analysis intensive industries, technology start-ups, or research and development roles in leading technology companies or academia.
Completion requirements
37233 Linear Algebra | 6cp | ||
43025 Introduction to Quantum Computing | 6cp | ||
41076 Methods in Quantum Computing | 6cp | ||
41173 Quantum Software and Programming | 6cp | ||
Select 24 credit points of options: | 24cp | ||
41052 Advanced Algorithms | 6cp | ||
42028 Deep Learning and Convolutional Neural Network | 6cp | ||
41175 Emerging Topics in Quantum Information Science | 6cp | ||
31250 Introduction to Data Analytics | 6cp | ||
31005 Machine Learning | 6cp | ||
37262 Mathematical Statistics | 6cp | ||
37161 Probability and Random Variables | 6cp | ||
41174 Quantum Algorithms | 6cp | ||
41171 Quantum Computer Architectures | 6cp | ||
41172 Quantum Information Theory | 6cp | ||
Total | 48cp |