University of Technology Sydney

CBK91996 Electives (PG)

Select 18 credit points of options:  18cp
090021  Advanced Biostatistics 6cp 
090022  Advanced Epidemiology 6cp 
090010  Communicable Disease 6cp 
096335  Contemporary Approaches to Digital Health 6cp 
320146  Data Visualisation and Visual Analytics 6cp 
096337  Foundations of Healthcare Systems 6cp 
096332  Fundamentals of Health Information Management 6cp 
090015  Global Health Systems 3cp 
096329  Implementing and Evaluating Change 6cp 
096326  Improving Safety and Quality in Healthcare 6cp 
090059  Introduction to Health Technology Assessment 6cp 
096327  Leading Health and Social Care 6cp 
096340  Managing for Value-Based Care 6cp 
090018  Non-communicable Disease 6cp 
096336  Organisational Management in Health Care 6cp 
090019  Planetary Health 3cp 
096331  Planning for Health and Social Services 6cp 
096341  Policy, Power and Politics in Health Care 6cp 
096330  Quality and Safety Improvement Methods 6cp 
096328  Systems and Service Innovation 6cp 
Total  18cp