Select 18 credit points of options: | | | 18cp |
090021 Advanced Biostatistics | | 6cp | |
090022 Advanced Epidemiology | | 6cp | |
090010 Communicable Disease | | 6cp | |
096335 Contemporary Approaches to Digital Health | | 6cp | |
320146 Data Visualisation and Visual Analytics | | 6cp | |
096337 Foundations of Healthcare Systems | | 6cp | |
096332 Fundamentals of Health Information Management | | 6cp | |
090015 Global Health Systems | | 3cp | |
096329 Implementing and Evaluating Change | | 6cp | |
096326 Improving Safety and Quality in Healthcare | | 6cp | |
090059 Introduction to Health Technology Assessment | | 6cp | |
096327 Leading Health and Social Care | | 6cp | |
096340 Managing for Value-Based Care | | 6cp | |
090018 Non-communicable Disease | | 6cp | |
096336 Organisational Management in Health Care | | 6cp | |
090019 Planetary Health | | 3cp | |
096331 Planning for Health and Social Services | | 6cp | |
096341 Policy, Power and Politics in Health Care | | 6cp | |
096330 Quality and Safety Improvement Methods | | 6cp | |
096328 Systems and Service Innovation | | 6cp | |
Total | | | 18cp |