University of Technology Sydney

CBK90942 Options

Select 48 credit points of options:  48cp
70617  Administrative Law 8cp 
70616  Australian Constitutional Law 8cp 
70104  Civil Practice 6cp 
70211  Contracts 8cp 
70114  Criminal Law and Procedure 8cp 
70517  Equity and Trusts 8cp 
70103  Ethics Law and Justice 6cp 
70109  Evidence 6cp 
70102  Foundations of Law 8cp 
70327  Introduction to Property and Commercial Law 6cp 
75423  Litigation Practice 6cp 
75411  Practical Experience - 65 days 0cp 
70107  Principles of Company Law 8cp 
75422  Property and Commercial Practice 6cp 
70317  Real Property 8cp 
75424  Skills and Wills Practice 6cp 
70311  Torts 8cp 
Total  48cp