University of Technology Sydney

C09153v1 Bachelor of Management Bachelor of International Studies (Honours)

Award(s): Bachelor of Management (BM)
Bachelor of International Studies (Honours) (BIntSt(Hon))

CRICOS code: 106919E
Commonwealth supported place?: Yes
Load credit points: 240
Course EFTSL: 5
Location: City campus


This is an exit-only course. There is no direct admission to it. Current UTS students may be able to submit an Internal Course Transfer (Graduating) application to exit with this course. See the Course transfer page for further details.

Course aims
Career options
Course intended learning outcomes
Inherent requirements
Assumed knowledge
Recognition of prior learning
Course duration and attendance
Course structure
Course completion requirements
Levels of award
Other information


The Bachelor of Management Bachelor of International Studies (Honours) is an exit-point for students who have completed the International Honours pathway within the Bachelor of Management Bachelor of International Studies (C10343).

In the fourth year of the combined degree, International Honours students spend an academic year studying in the local language at a university in the country of their major and also complete an honours level research project under the supervision of a relevant UTS academic.

Entry to the International Honours pathway is dependent on students maintaining a credit average (or higher) in both their International Studies and professional degree in their first three years of study, and on the availability of placements in particular majors.

This combined degree enables students to travel and study abroad for the equivalent of two semesters, located with one of UTS’s partner universities. It is therefore distinctive in offering both tertiary education and life experience in two countries. The course develops deep knowledge of the entertainment and experience industries while combining direct exposure to their application in different cultures and economies.

Course aims

Graduates emerge with the collaborative, leadership, business design, and innovation skills required to successfully contribute to contemporary organisations in entertainment and experience sectors, and are provided with an opportunity to acquire knowledge and understanding of another culture and language.

Career options

Career options include event management, festival management, event coordination, event planning, destination management, destination marketing, conference organiser, meetings planner, business event manager, wedding planner, entertainment venue management, social media management, event marketing, sport marketing, sport management, sport venue management, sport event management, sports agent, sports administrator, player manager, sponsorship manager, and player relations manager, growth hacker, social media manager, business development manager, CEO/founder, advocacy manager, donor relations coordinator, fundraising manager, volunteer coordinator, community outreach coordinator. Career options are enhanced by international experience, making students more marketable to prospective employers.

Course intended learning outcomes

BUS.1.1 Apply critical thinking skills to analyse contemporary managerial challenges, enabling the development of creative solutions relevant to professional practice
BUS.2.1 Develop effective communication skills to enable cogent knowledge transfer with colleagues to achieve productive project outcomes relevant to professional practice
BUS.3.1 Evaluate and implement ethical principles in respect of managing for social responsibility, including knowledge of cultural diversity, economic equity, and environmental sustainability as they relate to professional practice
BUS.4.1 Execute managerial capabilities and technical skills that are critical to professional practice in a specialised industry sector
BUS.4.2 Acquire and apply knowledge of Indigenous Australian contexts to inform professional capabilities to work with and for Indigenous Australians across management professions
INT.1.1 Understand and employ effective strategies to operate within professional and everyday settings across diverse cultures in Australia and/or internationally
INT.2.1 Evaluate critically theoretical and specialised knowledge of contemporary societies, cultures and workplaces
INT.2.2 Analyse, generate and communicate creative solutions to work-related problems within professional and everyday settings across diverse cultures in Australia and internationally
INT.3.1 Understand and engage with cultural diversities in Australia and/or internationally
INT.4.1 Acquire knowledge and skills of Indigenous Australian communication, engagement, research ethics and practices to work effectively with and for Indigenous Australians across a professional context
INT.5.1 Engage critically with current issues to act in socially responsible ways in Australian and international settings
INT.6.1 Communicate clearly and effectively in written and spoken language using diverse digital technologies


INT = International Studies course intended learning outcomes (CILOs)

Inherent requirements

Inherent requirements are academic and non-academic requirements that are essential to the successful completion of a course. For more information about inherent requirements and where prospective and current students can get assistance and advice regarding these, see the UTS Inherent requirements page.

Prospective and current students should carefully read the Inherent Requirements Statement below and consider whether they might experience challenges in successfully completing this course.

UTS will make reasonable adjustments to teaching and learning, assessment, professional experiences, course related work experience and other course activities to facilitate maximum participation by students with disabilities, carer responsibilities, and religious or cultural obligations in their courses.

For course specific information see the Bachelor of International Studies Diploma in Languages Inherent (Essential) Requirements Statement and the UTS Business School Inherent Requirements Statement.


Assumed knowledge

There are no prior language requirements for the international studies program. Students complete a language survey during the first year of study to ensure they commence their language and culture study at the appropriate level.

Recognition of prior learning

Information about recognition of prior learning in the management component of the course is available in the Bachelor of Management (C10342).

Recognition of prior learning in the International Studies component is assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Course duration and attendance

The course is offered on a five-year, full-time basis. Students spend two sessions of study at a university or other higher education institution in the country of their major.

Course structure

All students must complete 240 credit points of study, comprising 144 credit points relating to management and 96 credit points relating to international studies. Full details of the Bachelor of Management component of the combined degree are available from the Bachelor of Management (C10342).

International Studies (96 credit points)

  • Intercultural Communication (8 credit points)
  • International Research Methods (8 credit points)
  • Contemporary Society subject (8 credit points)
  • Language and Culture subjects (32 credit points)
  • International Honours (40 credit points)

Overseas study

International Honours students spend a full year at a relevant partner university where they complete an honours level research project.

Course completion requirements

STM90928 Core subjects (Management) 48cp
CBK91013 Major choice (Management) 48cp
CBK92010 Second Major/Two Sub-majors/Sub-major + 24cp Electives/48cp Electives 48cp
CBK92058 Country and Language choice (Honours) 96cp
Total 240cp

Levels of award

The Bachelor of Management may be awarded with distinction, credit or pass.

The Bachelor of International Studies (Honours) may be awarded with first class honours, second class honours division 1, second class honours division 2, and Pass level.

The calculation of the Honours level is based upon the 48 credit points of study completed in the UTS subjects 999781 International Research Methods, In-country Study and Fieldwork Project 1 and In-country Study and Fieldwork Project 2, all completed while students are overseas on In-country Study.

Other information

Further information is available from the UTS Student Centre on:

telephone 1300 ask UTS (1300 275 887)
or +61 2 9514 1222
International Studies