University of Technology Sydney

94663 Navigating Innovation Networks

Warning: The information on this page is indicative. The subject outline for a particular session, location and mode of offering is the authoritative source of all information about the subject for that offering. Required texts, recommended texts and references in particular are likely to change. Students will be provided with a subject outline once they enrol in the subject.

Subject handbook information prior to 2025 is available in the Archives.

UTS: Transdisciplinary Innovation
Credit points: 8 cp
Result type: Grade and marks


Behind every product or service is an organisation or initiative. Those initiatives have a purpose and are situated in a context. This subject explores such contexts, usually defined by an industry and geography. The emphasis is on connecting with entrepreneurial support organisations, such as incubators, accelerators, government, and funders. Students work in teams to explore a context of their choice; perhaps related to where they want their next career move to be. This subject guides students to develop a proposal to introduce a new initiative in that context in a way that it is inclusive and enhances the ecosystem. Students have the opportunity to interact with key stakeholders and start building professional networks. Overall, this subject provides students with the practical skills to grow and utilise networks to initiate change.

Subject learning objectives (SLOs)

Upon successful completion of this subject students should be able to:

1. Collaborate to explain and visualise entrepreneurial ecosystems.
2. Identify elements and gaps in the entrepreneurial ecosystem and envision levers to influence the ecosystem.
3. Responsibly engage with others in the entrepreneurial ecosystem with a view to develop longer-term professional relationships.
4. Develop a proposal to launch within the ecosystem, and a strategy for it to enhance the system.
5. Evaluate the impact that your proposed initiative within the ecosystem might have from practical as well as ethical considerations.

Course intended learning outcomes (CILOs)

This subject contributes specifically to the development of the following course intended learning outcomes:

  • Synthesise a holistic larger-picture view of complex situations by analysing diverse perspectives and information. (1.1)
  • Identify, evaluate, bricolage and apply methods for investigating, navigating, and gaining insights into complex challenges and systems. (1.2)
  • Identify and utilise a range of appropriate creative intelligence and other methods together to identify meaningful opportunities to creatively problem-solve and generate transformative possibilities. (2.1)
  • Engage professionally with industry, community, government and other stakeholders to mobilise others and enable sustainable and entrepreneurial innovation. (3.2)
  • Develop and apply ethical and intellectual positions that reflect well-considered values and practices, which reflexively engage with the greater whole, including human and non-human others. (4.1)
  • Critically analyse Indigenous contexts across business innovation to inform professional capability and practices to work effectively with and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples (5.1)

Contribution to the development of graduate attributes

The subject provides opportunities for you as a student to engage with various stakeholders and peers to generate an ecosystems view of the entrepreneurial environment in a chosen domain. You examine the current state of the environments and ecosystems that enable entrepreneurship to produce a visualization of the system. You are then challenged to utilize this map to identify opportunities to act creatively and ethically on significant issues and challenges to create transformation or implement innovation.

So, your experiences as a student in this subject support you to develop the following graduate attributes (GA):

  • GA 1 Complex systems thinking
  • GA 2 Creating value in problem solving and inquiry
  • GA 3 Inter- and trans-disciplinary practices
  • GA 4 Imaginative and ethical citizenship
  • GA 5 Entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial skills

94663 Navigating Entrepreneurial Ecosystems develops the following Program Learning Outcomes in the Bachelor of Entrepreneurship (Honours)

1.1 Apply creative, critical and analytical thinking to review and progress an entrepreneurial project

4.2 Apply findings from experimentation, field research and theoretical consideration to their start-up project

Teaching and learning strategies

The subject is taught in block mode, in between sessions. The subject is taught using an experiential teaching and learning approach. Delivery of materials, lectures, webinars and discussions is supported by online learning and communication tools and a learning management system. The face-to-face classes engage students in group work, discussions and exercises to reflect upon and revise the content. Students work with and receive feedback from peers, academics and professionals across a wide range of disciplines.

Content (topics)

  • Entrepreneurial ecosystems and stakeholders
    • Incubators, accelerators and co-working spaces
    • Investors, funders and financial institutions
  • Systems thinking, analysis and mapping
  • Government, policy and economic growth
  • Visual communication and presentation


Assessment task 1: Ecosystem Directory


This task addresses the following subject learning objectives:

1 and 3

This assessment task contributes to the development of course intended learning outcome(s):

1.1 and 3.2

Type: Report
Groupwork: Individual
Weight: 35%
  • Comprehensive rationale for the scope of entrepreneurial ecosystem exploration
  • Resourcefulness (depth and breadth) of desktop search to inform critical decision-making with regards to conceptualising entrepreneurial ecosystems
  • Relevance of media output analysis, and originality and criticality of topics, factors and points raised and explored
  • Relevance of interview design and originality and criticality of questions raised and explored

Assessment task 2: Ecosystem Mapping & Leverage Proposal


This task addresses the following subject learning objectives:

1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

This assessment task contributes to the development of course intended learning outcome(s):

1.1, 1.2, 2.1 and 5.1

Type: Project
Groupwork: Group, group assessed
Weight: 30%
  • Respectful and professional engagement of stakeholders towards insightful histories of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, including Indigenous communities
  • Richness and breadth of entrepreneurial ecosystem, including detailed interconnections within it
  • Convincing and insightful analysis, identifying levers by which the entrepreneurial ecosystem can be developed
  • Original and achievable proposal for one or more key stakeholder(s) to activate levers to develop an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
  • Thorough exploration of the value or impact that the proposed visualisation of the ecosystem might have on stakeholders, including its impact and support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities

Assessment task 3: Letter from Future Self


This task addresses the following subject learning objectives:

2, 4 and 5

This assessment task contributes to the development of course intended learning outcome(s):

1.2, 2.1 and 4.1

Type: Reflection
Groupwork: Individual
Weight: 35%
  • Convincing and insightful analysis of the future state of the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem you are aiming towards
  • Critical analysis of levers that you (the student entrepreneur) could ‘pull’ to influence the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
  • Original and achievable proposal for you to activate levers and generate improvements to the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
  • Thorough exploration of the value (outcome, impact) that your proposal might have for the EE and its benefit to you as a stakeholder

Minimum requirements

Students must attempt each assessment task and achieve an overall pass mark in order to pass this subject.

Late penalties apply to all assessment tasks as outlined in the TD School FYI student booklet. Please consult this booklet for other useful information including Special Consideration, Plagiarism, Extension, and Student Support Services.

A minimum of 80% of attendance of classes (as outlined in the timetable) is required.

Required texts

No required textbooks. Required readings and other resources will be provided via Canvas.