University of Technology Sydney

CBK91151 Options (Applied Linguistics and TESOL)

Select 42 credit points of options:  42cp
013987  Classroom Talk 6cp 
013990  Discourse and Genre 6cp 
013095  Global Englishes 6cp 
013983  Learning Academic English 6cp 
013988  Multiliteracies and Multimodalities 6cp 
028289  Numeracy for Lifelong and Lifewide Learning 6cp 
013107  Phonology and Pronunciation 6cp 
013989  Teaching Academic English 6cp 
010024  Teaching Adult Literacy and Numeracy 6cp 
010025  Teaching EAL/D and Literacy in Schools 6cp 
013096  Teaching Grammar and Vocabulary 6cp 
010026  Topics in Language Development 6cp 
Total  42cp