University of Technology Sydney

96337 Foundations of Healthcare Systems

6cp; Online; availability: online coursework degrees students only
There are course requisites for this subject. See access conditions.
Anti-requisite(s): 92638 Foundations of the Australian Healthcare System



In this subject, students develop and refine their knowledge of the major structural and functional components of healthcare systems by examining the Australian system. By understanding how health systems and other service provision models develop, evolve and perform, students acquire a foundation for leading and influencing the direction of health care.

Using a case scenario, students examine the structure, functions, delivery and challenges of the Australian healthcare system and its impact on health outcomes, across different population groups.

Students examine the role of such factors as structure, policy, governance, health service delivery, rights in health and social care systems in perpetuating inequity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. They also explore the ways in which these inequities can be meaningfully addressed and critically reflect on the barriers and enablers to equity in accessing health and social care including intersectionality (e.g. elderly, people with disabilities, mental health, people living in rural and remote areas, lower socioeconomic status, refugees, and migrants).

Typical availability

Autumn session, City campus

Spring session, City campus

Detailed subject description.

Access conditions

Note: The requisite information presented in this subject description covers only academic requisites. Full details of all enforced rules, covering both academic and admission requisites, are available at access conditions and My Student Admin.