University of Technology Sydney

96076 Genomics in Healthcare




Genomics is an emerging reality in healthcare delivery with an increasing impact on individual patients, families, the broader community and diverse healthcare settings. Genomics is central to our understanding of human health and disease and has ethical, legal and societal implications in healthcare that cannot be underestimated. This subject extends postgraduate students' knowledge and understanding of key concepts of genomic science. Students connect with a diverse range of case scenarios to discern where genomics is implicated in a contemporary Australian healthcare setting including global perspectives. Students explore opportunities to engage with all members of the multidisciplinary healthcare team to consider how genomics influences clinical practice in acute, primary and secondary care settings. Students investigate public health genomics, especially the role it plays in disease surveillance and prevention. Students develop evidence-based solutions from genomic information to respond to health breakdown, disparity and health system implementation challenges. Finally, students learn how genomics influences precision medicine and improves individualised patient care across the life span.

Detailed subject description.

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