96036 Neurological Ocular Disorders
6cp; 1hpw (lecture), 2hpw (workshop), scheduled clinical practical lab sessionsRequisite(s): 96032 Binocular Vision and Ocular Motility 2
There are course requisites for this subject. See access conditions.
Through problem-based learning, complex neuro-ophthalmic conditions are studied and medical record analysis, diagnostic testing and management strategies are discussed. Knowledge of orthoptic and ophthalmic examination principles and ocular function is advanced to the adaptation of test and management procedures in the presence of cognitive, physical and communication defects associated with brain injury, lesion and stroke. In a patient-focused approach, the impact of disease processes on general and ocular function, processes of recovery and adaption, and the integrated management of people with neurological conditions by the multidisciplinary healthcare team are studied. Relevant scholarly evidence is applied to inform orthoptic practice in neurology. Topics include: neuro-ophthalmic investigation, stroke, head injury, headache, visual field investigation and analysis; supra-nuclear, nuclear, inter-nuclear and infra-nuclear defects; and therapeutic approaches for neurological conditions.
Typical availability
Autumn session, City campus
Detailed subject description.