91563 Haematology
6cp;3.5hpw: 1.5hpw (lecture, online), 2hpw (practical/workshop)
Requisite(s): 91400 Human Anatomy and Physiology
This subject is designed to introduce the basic concepts of haematology and their practical application in a modern laboratory. The cells of the blood and bone marrow are studied in detail with regard to their identification, morphology and function. The development of these cells (haematopoesis) and their role in haemostasis and immune function is investigated. Students are also introduced to haematological diseases and the significance of haematological changes in disease. Students study modern laboratory analysers, and their functions and limitations, as well as how to interpret and troubleshoot issues from these automated machines.
The practical sessions introduce students to the variety of manual haematological techniques used in pathology and research laboratories. Students learn how to complete manual haematology tasks and interpret the results they obtain. To develop the skills needed to be a successful scientist in the field, the subject includes a strong focus of haematology morphology via the microscopy needed to make informed clinical interpretations which lead to accurate diagnosis of haematological disorders.
Detailed subject description.