University of Technology Sydney

89110 Higher Orders of Design

6cp; 1.5 hpw
There are course requisites for this subject. See access conditions.



This subject provides an opportunity to undertake a self-led design research project in relation to a live industry project around using design methods to understand the future of workplaces (office environments) and worker cultures being undertaken with an Australian development company. Students are introduced to the case study, provided inspiration on a range of possible research questions and methods, and are able to determine the inquiry they lead in the subject. Students create a profesisonal design research brief and then respond to this brief with research findings or design solutions. Students are provided with individual feedback and mentoring in relation to their project and participate in peer feedback and discussion with the other students.

Typical availability

Autumn session, City campus

Detailed subject description.

Access conditions

Note: The requisite information presented in this subject description covers only academic requisites. Full details of all enforced rules, covering both academic and admission requisites, are available at access conditions and My Student Admin.