University of Technology Sydney

85841 Design Studio A

There are course requisites for this subject. See access conditions.


This subject involves the conceptualisation and development of a significant design project in the chosen discipline of Fashion and Textiles, Product Design, Visual Communication and Photography or Social Innovation. Students are guided through hands-on activities and workshops to experiment with ideas and techniques and identify the focus for their design project. Students develop these ideas through self-directed research and experimentation to create a set of artefacts that form the basis of their design project. Students document the development of their design project to communicate its evolving intent, innovation and significance. This subject operates as the studio space to explore more theoretical research arising within the 85810 Design Research subject.

Detailed subject description.

Access conditions

Note: The requisite information presented in this subject description covers only academic requisites. Full details of all enforced rules, covering both academic and admission requisites, are available at access conditions and My Student Admin.