University of Technology Sydney

84812 Product Design Major Studio

12cp; 3hpw (design studio), 3hpw (research studio)
Requisite(s): 84811 Smart Design


The subject focus is on understanding the role of the product designer and design-driven innovation. The connection between design and business of varying scale and capability is explored through a design project supported by research, on-line content and active studio engagement. The terms of innovation as a differentiating factor in a competitive market requires strategic, knowledge-directed design practice that is visionary and culturally compatible rather than entirely standardised by conventional manufacturing technologies. The subject considers issues relating to ethics, intellectual property, innovation, design thinking, design expertise and design-led research in new product development, preparing students for either graduation or further advanced study in design.

Detailed subject description.

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Note: The requisite information presented in this subject description covers only academic requisites. Full details of all enforced rules, covering both academic and admission requisites, are available at access conditions and My Student Admin.