76116 Personal Injury Law in Practice
Personal injury compensation is a very significant area of practice for the Australian legal profession. Injured persons commonly seek guidance from legal practitioners to navigate the complexities of statutory compensation schemes and civil liability frameworks. Other clients including employers, insurers, governments and businesses also frequently seek expert guidance to ascertain and manage their legal liabilities in relation to personal injury claims.
In this subject students examine the key principles of Australian law governing the compensation of personal injuries. These include the relevant aspects of civil liability legislation relating to public liability, medical negligence and product liability claims, as well as the statutory schemes governing workers compensation, military veterans’ compensation, motor vehicle accidents and dust diseases
The classes are interactive and include guest presentations by current legal practitioners. Through collaborative in-class activities, case discussions and legal advices, students develop practical skills in researching and applying the relevant rules of law to advise hypothetical clients of their rights and options. Students also evaluate the effectiveness of Australia's current laws and the scope for law and policy reform.
Detailed subject description.