60006 Scientific Perspectives for Global Issues
6cp; 2hpw x 11wks (workshop, on-campus), 1hpw x 5wks (workshop, online - see schedule for weeks)Anti-requisite(s): 60001 Principles of Scientific Practice
Our planet is undergoing significant change at multiple scales and scientists play an important role in understanding and addressing current and future global issues. Through the lens of inquiry and using pertinent real-world examples students explore the role of scientific thinking and diverse approaches in addressing complex global issues facing society, in relation to Australia and sustainability. Students develop their understanding of how knowledge is produced through science, and students are introduced to the concept and value of multiple knowledge systems, with a focus on the diverse knowledge systems of Indigenous peoples of Australia. This subject also supports students to develop critical thinking, communication skills and professional attributes to conduct science ethically and respectfully for a successful career.
Detailed subject description.