55502 Studio: Animation Project/Production
24cpRequisite(s): 55500 Studio: Advanced Animation Practice AND 55501 Studio: Animation Project Pre-production
There are course requisites for this subject. See access conditions.
Anti-requisite(s): 82800 Animation Studio: Animation Project/Production
This subject builds upon the work developed in 55501 Studio Animation Pre-Production. Students will have achieved a ‘green-light’ stage of development in 55501 and now begin final production phase of their capstone animation projects. Projects are developed as innovative, creative solutions to a self-initiated animation proposal investigated over the whole course and completed in this subject. These projects are typically an animated film or related work of broadcast or public exhibition standard that engages with conventions, emerging aesthetics, theoretical ideas and professional production practices.
At the commencement of the subject students should have a fully resolved creative package of pre-production work typically including key assets, a production bible, concept design artwork, a final animatic, temp soundtrack, a list of creative collaborators, and a production schedule, ready to begin production.
Typical availability
Spring session, City campus
The subject is usually offered in these sessions. To confirm availability check the UTS Timetable Planner.
Detailed subject description.