48510 Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Engineering
6cp; 2hpw (tutorial); 2hpw (lecture); 3hpw (laboratory), online and on campusAnti-requisite(s): 68201 Physics 2
Fields of practice: Biomedical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical and Mechatonic Engineering, Mechatronic Engineering majors
The subject introduces the student to the profession of engineering and develops the following themes which are fundamental to any engineering discipline:
- identifying problems in society, proposing solutions, and implementing them;
- understanding that engineering occurs in a context, has real impact, and has the capacity to shape the world in which we live;
- engineering relies on science, and there is a body of fundamental knowledge which must be developed to gain technical proficiency in the field;
- electrical and electronic engineering underpins much of the modern world.
A real-world problem and its solution (an electronic artefact) are a central part of the subject, and form a framework around which many technical and non-technical aspects of engineering can be illustrated. In terms of knowledge, basic electrical concepts such as voltage, current, resistance and power are introduced; simple circuit analysis techniques for DC and AC circuits are studied; electric and magnetic fields are used to introduce the capacitor and inductor; and computer-based systems and sensors are shown as applications of this basic knowledge.
Particular emphasis is placed on the practical, hands on aspects of electronics. Laboratory work includes circuit construction, testing and troubleshooting, as well as the use of test instruments such as multimeters and oscilloscopes.
Typical availability
Autumn session, City campus
Spring session, City campus
Detailed subject description.