48352 Construction Materials
6cp; 4hpw, workshop/tutorial, online and on campusRequisite(s): ((60101 Chemistry and Materials Science OR 65111 Chemistry 1) AND 33230 Mathematics 2)
As part of the learning outcomes in this subject, students engage with the engineering properties of construction materials and apply this knowledge to predict the behaviours of these materials in application. Students also obtain experimental data from Australian Standard test methods to determine the relevant properties of materials and ascertain their behaviours. They then apply this knowledge to design and meet specification requirements and sustainable and service life criteria, which are impacted by the effects of the environment and failure modes of these materials. By developing professional problem solving and design skills in this subject, students acquire the ability to select the most appropriate material to meet prescriptive and performance-based requirements and be able to justify their choice of selection. Through this subject, students acquire an array of analytical and reflective skills to contribute to construction material analysis, design and development.
Typical availability
Autumn session, City campus
Spring session, City campus
Detailed subject description.