41055 Professional Experience Review
3cp; 1 x recorded lecture; 3 x 2hr (tutorials); 1 x 3hr (seminar)Requisite(s): 41028 Engineering Work Experience AND 41035 Professional Practice Preparation 1
Undergraduate and Postgraduate
Successful engineers are able to communicate a professional identity to employers, clients, colleagues and other stakeholders in their work, and participate in constructive verbal and written professional communication. This subject provides students with opportunities to develop the ability to communicate their professional identity for the purpose of gaining employment and satisfying Engineers Australia's requirement that all engineering graduates have a minimum of 12 weeks (or equivalent) of professional practice. Students are guided in the curation of a professional practice portfolio that demonstrates the learning outcomes of this subject and reflects on experience. An interview about the student's professional experience and the content of the portfolio is also required.
Typical availability
Autumn session, City campus
Spring session, City campus
Detailed subject description.