25624 Financial Metrics for Decision Making
6cpRequisite(s): 25300 Fundamentals of Business Finance OR 25400 Financial Literacy
These requisites may not apply to students in certain courses.
There are course requisites for this subject. See access conditions.
Anti-requisite(s): 25622 Quantitative Business Analysis
This subject serves as an introduction to financial decision-making and the role of (big) data in financial decisions. It will enable students to make smart decisions, such as management finance decisions, personal savings decisions and investment decisions. The starting point is the traditional paradigm, which assumes that individuals have rational beliefs (with Bayesian updating when new information arrives) and the objective of maximising their expected utilities. This view is enriched, using models of decision-making based on research in psychology, which allow for beliefs that are not fully rational, as well as for alternative preferences and limits to cognition. Using real data, students will calculate the metrics used to make financial decisions, they will learn how to apply decision-making rules to those metrics, and they will discover the systematic pitfalls and biases that plague decision-making, as well as techniques for overcoming them.
Detailed subject description.