University of Technology Sydney

21228 Management Consulting

Requisite(s): 72 credit points of completed study in Business Faculty Bachelor's Degree OR 72 credit points of completed study in Business Faculty Bachelor's Combined Degrees OR 72 credit points of completed study in Bachelor's Combined Degrees with Business Faculty OR 72 credit points of completed study in Bachelor's Combined Honours with Business Faculty OR 72 credit points of completed study in spk(s): C10143 Bachelor of Information Technology (Co-op) OR 24 credit points of completed study in spk(s): MAJ08966 Management Studies major
These requisites may not apply to students in certain courses. See access conditions.



This subject introduces students to the nature and characteristics of the consulting industry, major practice areas in consulting and the value creation activities of management consultants. It discusses the main success factors of consulting. It also considers methods of consultancy project design and management, and integrative problem-solving applying the principles of design thinking and different performance measures. Students are required to work on a real-life project. Finally, the subject takes a critical look at the responsibilities and ethics of consultancy contract management.

Note: This subject requires students to have completed the majority of their subjects and it should be taken towards the end of their degree.

Detailed subject description.

Access conditions

Note: The requisite information presented in this subject description covers only academic requisites. Full details of all enforced rules, covering both academic and admission requisites, are available at access conditions and My Student Admin.