17906 Environmental and Social Impact Assessments
6cp; 20hpw, onlineThere are course requisites for this subject. See access conditions.
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Social Impact Assessment (SIA) are integral tools for managing and supporting effective urban and regional planning and development decisions, policy-making and services delivery. This subject introduces the concepts, issues, principles, methods and practices of both EIA and SIA in NSW and Australia’s planning process from theoretical and professional perspectives. Critical discussions and analyses using examples of contemporary national and international EIA and SIA case studies demonstrate real-world problems, methodologies in applications, legislative and policy requirements, systematic stages of EIA and SIA processes and their potential and limitations. It teaches how to conduct integrated appraisals considering social, environmental and economic implications, ecologically sustainable development principles, qualitative and quantitative research data, local knowledge, and community engagement.
Detailed subject description.