University of Technology Sydney

16215 Honours Research 4

12cp; delivered through individual meetings between the supervisor and the student


This subject is the final of six subjects belonging to the Bachelor of Property Economics (Honours) (C09063) (it is designed to be completed alongside 16214 Honours Research 3). Over these six subjects, students work with a research supervisor to design, carry out, and report on a research project. There is significant variation possible in how students can accomplish these goals. Theses might be qualitative or quantitative, written up in conventional academic format or presented primarily online. Task structure varies among projects and should be determined between the supervisor and student, depending on the research aims.

This subject is delivered through one-on-one meetings between student and supervisor. As the final subject in the sequence of four, this subject focuses on the completion of the honours thesis. During this subject, students write up the discussion and conclusions of the thesis, and incorporate the introduction, literature review, methodology, and findings (completed during the first three subjects of the sequence) into the complete thesis. The complete polished draft of the thesis is commented on in detail by the supervisor, and students address comments and criticisms in the preparation of the final draft. The final draft is examined by a panel, and students may be required to do additional work to complete the thesis to a satisfactory standard.

Detailed subject description.

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Note: The requisite information presented in this subject description covers only academic requisites. Full details of all enforced rules, covering both academic and admission requisites, are available at access conditions and My Student Admin.