090003 Growth and Development in the Younger Child (the first 1000 days)
6cp; 6 weeks, onlineRequisite(s): 090001 Foundations of Child and Family Health
There are course requisites for this subject. See access conditions.
The first period of a child's life is a unique experience for every family. This subject teaches students essential skills for practice in working with families with young children from birth to age two. It includes the practical application of the parameters of normal development in early childhood, with particular focus on attachment theory in infancy and normal variations in baby behaviour. Students are supported to undertake comprehensive assessments of infants aged 0–2 years of age and to provide advice to parents regarding infant feeding, nutrition, and sleep and settling. The subject increases students' abilities to support and instil confidence in parents caring for a young baby, and to provide opportunities for social support and education. The subject requires the successful completion of a clinical experience program in an early childhood health setting.
Detailed subject description.