University of Technology Sydney

013450 Professional Experience: The Primary School Child

Anti-requisite(s): 013454 Professional Experience: The Primary School Child


In this subject, pre-service teachers focus on developing a learner-centred approach to teaching, which considers the unique needs and characteristics of developing children and pre-adolescents. Through a multidisciplinary approach, exploring key theories, empirical research, and practical applications, the subject develops theoretical perspectives on human development and applies them to the primary school context to inform the development of practice in diverse educational settings and learner needs, with a focus on inclusive, effective, and developmentally appropriate learning environments.?A key part of this subject is a four-week placement where pre-service teachers work in a school with support and mentoring from their UTS tertiary supervisor and supervising classroom teacher. During their placement, pre-service teachers are closely supervised and begin learning practice capabilities in lesson planning, teaching, assessment, Indigenous truth telling and knowledge, equity and inclusion, classroom management, digital supported learning, and school-community building. Pre-service teachers receive feedback and the opportunity to reflect on their experiences and learning after lesson observations with their classroom supervisor and UTS Tertiary Supervisor. Feedback is supported by appropriate strategies and lesson modelling. Satisfactory completion of the placement is a minimum requirement for this subject so pre-service teachers must pass their placement in order to pass the subject overall. The placement is pass/fail. The coursework component of the subject is graded and is designed to help?pre-service teachers?develop a better understanding of themselves as educators, gaining insight into the psychological principles that underpin effective teaching practices.

Detailed subject description.

Access conditions

Note: The requisite information presented in this subject description covers only academic requisites. Full details of all enforced rules, covering both academic and admission requisites, are available at access conditions and My Student Admin.