University of Technology Sydney

MAJ03536 Electrical Energy Systems

This major covers electrical engineering topics in Electrical Energy Systems. The topics include advanced power electronics, advanced energy conversion systems , energy storage technologies, microgrid control, microgrid operation and protection and studios in electrical power and energy systems. Students will learn skills and tools to tackle the challenges of microgrids both technically and socially responsible such as integrating multiple renewable energy resources and loads, microgrid stability and control, demand side response, and synchronising microgrids (DC and AC). Real-time simulation is widely used as the tool for system analysis and integration and concept proof. Experimental studies will be performed in laboratories. This major assumes prior fundamental knowledge of electrical (power) engineering.

Completion requirements

STM91881  Electrical Energy Systems core  18cp
CBK92308  Electrical Energy Systems choice  12cp
42908  Engineering Project Preparation  6cp
Total  36cp