University of Technology Sydney

CBK91886 Advanced Nursing options

Select 48 credit points of options:  48cp
090045  Advanced Professional Practice 6cp 
090046  Ageing: Health, Illness and Decline 6cp 
090047  Applied Pathophysiology in Practice 6cp 
090051  Chronic Condition Prevention in a Modern Age 6cp 
090048  Collaborative and Integrative Mental Health Care 6cp 
090049  Comprehensive Physical Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning 6cp 
090050  Evidence for Informing Practice 6cp 
096329  Implementing and Evaluating Change 6cp 
096326  Improving Safety and Quality in Healthcare 6cp 
096327  Leading Health and Social Care 6cp 
090052  Nursing-Sensitive Indicators in Acute Care 6cp 
090053  Quality and Safety in Medicines 6cp 
090054  Recognising and Responding to Acute Deterioration 6cp 
090055  Research in Health 6cp 
090056  Specialty Clinical Practice 6cp 
096328  Systems and Service Innovation 6cp 
Total  48cp